17: We'll Handle It [PART II]

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Danielle POV

"He's not answering his phone." I paced back and forth as I called Odell for the tenth time this morning.

"Maybe he's sleeping." Jarvis said.

"He can't be Jar...ugh!." I stressed.

Odell never sleeps in, he feels like he's gonna miss something so he wakes up around 7 or 8 o'clock every morning. I dialed his number three more times and he wasn't answering. By now I was starting to cry from being worried about him so much.

"Danielle...babygirl don't cry." Jarvis hugged me.

"What if something happened to him!" I cried.

"He's fine Dani. Now on week three in the plan then you can worry." He quickly covered his mouth.

"what? week three? What are you talking about Jarvis?" I stared at him.

"Huh? What you talking bout?" He said.

"What do you mean week two I can worry?"

"What are you talking about?" He replied.

"You just said on week two of the plan I can worry!" I stood up.

"No I didn't." He lied.

"I'm not stupid Jarvis!! I know what you said! What's he gonna do on week two?" My heart began to race.

"Girl you tripping. Ain't nobody say nothing, come on let's go eat breakfast." He tried to go out the door.

I blocked the door way and glared at him. "What is Odell gonna do on week three." I said slowly.

"Don't worry about it okay!" He yelled at me.

"What do you mean don't worry about it! He's my boyfriend I have the right to know what's going on Jarvis!" I shut the door.

"Danielle! Mind you're fucking business, I'm not telling you nothing!" He yelled at me.

I nodded. "Okay...fine, I'll find out myself. Watch the kids for me." I walked over to the closet and started packing my stuff.

"No! You're not leaving. I told Odell I would keep you and my nieces here until all this shit was over with." Jarvis grabbed my suitcase.

"Just tell me what's going to happen!!" I snatched my suitcase back.

He sighed.."Odell is gonna get rid of Skull himself.."

"He's gonna kill him? No, I can't let him do that!" I shook my head.

"You have too! Either you go stop it all and let skull kill him first or you just leave shit alone for once and let you're man handle his business.."

Jarvis grabbed my suitcase and put it back in the closet, he hugged me and sighed.

"I know you worried baby sis but trust me..Odell might be this idolized football player the media shows but deep down that nigga is a thug, and he will do anything to protect his family."

Before I could reply my phone started ringing, making me quickly push Jarvis away from me and run to answer it. Without looking to see who was calling, I answered

'Odell?!? Baby is this you?' I asked.

'Yes baby it's me, you alright? What's wrong?' He asked.

'I thought something happened to you...you weren't answering and I got worried.'

'Danielle I'm fine, now you know how I felt whenever you wouldn't answer.' He did a light chuckle.

'Yeah I guess...So you really gonna do it?" I asked him.

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