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enjoy my loves 🫶🏾


"Are you nervous? It's just a first date," Taye chuckled into the phone.

"I don't know, you know I don't date," Truth rubbed his chin. "I got her this purse, she's gonna think it's too much right?"

"Nigga it's coffee, why you so stressed?" Taye asked him,

"I don't know we've been talking for a minute and she's rejected me everytime I've asked to meet," He replied. "Maybe she ain't feeling me,"

"Get out your car," Taye told him. "Go have coffee and talk to a pretty girl. It's not that hard," He added.

Truth nodded and looked at the coffee shop. "I'm gonna go in there,"

"Have fun, give her the purse," Taye laughed before he hung up.

Truth stared at the entrance for a while; before he decided to go in.

He found a table at the back where no one would notice him and got comfortable.

Time went by and he was still sat in the same position, staring at the door.

"Would you like to order anything sir?" A waiter stood in front of him, making him tear his eyes away from the door.

"I'm waiting for somebody," Truth spoke shaking his head,

"You gotta order something or we have to ask you to leave," The waiter mentioned pulling out his notepad.

"Um let me get a water," Truth said, checking the time again to make sure he wasn't confused.

His date was now an hour late and he didn't know what to do.

"Water, anything else?" The waiter tapped his pad,

"That's it, I told you I'm waiting for someone —"

"Hi," A flustered voice came up beside them, "I'm so sorry I'm late, I got side tracked," She rambled.

"Zahra hi," Truth stood up quickly, "You look —,"

"Horrible, I worked a 23 hour shift, don't look at me," She blushed sitting down.

"You look beautiful, I couldn't tell," Truth said with a smile,

"Thank you, have you ordered?" She asked setting her purse down,

"I got a water," He nodded watching her side profile, "What do you want? I think they gave me a menu," He looked around the table.

"It's here," Zahra smiled picking it up. "Are you nervous Lucky?" She chuckled,

"You can tell," Truth sighed, "I don't know, I don't date,"

"Me neither, that's why I suggested coffee," She admitted shyly,

"This is where we met," He mentioned,

"I know, maybe I should have chosen somewhere else," Zahra bit her lip,

"Do you wanna go somewhere else? Or that's too much, yeah that's too much," Truth said answering his own question.

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now