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enjoy my lovelies. 😘


"She's never late, I'm sorry about this," Truth checked the time again,

"It's okay, shall we start without her?" Kirsty asked lifting up her notebook.

"It's because she's gone back to work," Truth answered fixing his watch, "So she's been really busy," He added.

"Has that been hard for you?" Kirsty questioned. "Her going back to work?"

"No why?" He answered defensively,

"Because I can see how you answered. She's been busy, how does that make you feel?" She spoke,

Truth huffed and held his head, "Zahra always makes time for us so no I don't think it's been hard,"

"Good, I'm glad to hear that," Kirsty smiled, "And how have you been handling the household?"

"I hired help," He chuckled. "Having Zahra around made me feel like it was easy, it's not easy at all,"

"It isn't easy," Kirsty laughed. "Oh here she is," She smiled when Zahra rushed into the room.

"I'm so so sorry," Zahra emphasised giving Truth a quick kiss on the lips before she sat down beside him. "Traffic was terrible,"

"We understand," Kirsty nodded. "Lucky was just telling me how he's adjusting to being the parent at home,"

"He's been doing so well," Zahra gushed. "I come home and he's even made dinner, babe you're doing great,"

"Yeah," He looked down shyly. "It's hard but I'm getting there,"

"You're there, you're doing a good job with them Luck," Zahra squeezed his hand,

"This is progress," Kirsty said with a smile. "You're acknowledging each others progress and insecurities, Lucky has mentioned before that he thinks he's not as good as you but you're giving him credit,"

"I think he's doing an amazing job," Zahra smiled touching his leg,

"So are you, she still comes home and checks homework, tucks them in, the late night feeding," He listed looking to Zahra. "I married a superwoman, a super-mom," He laughed.

"Not a supermodel?" She teased with a smile,

"You are my supermodel," Truth nodded kissing her quickly. "I think we're in a better place," He turned back to Kirsty,

"That's great," Kirsty smiled at them. "Now at our last session, we spoke about communication, do you think your communication has improved?"

"Have you been working on what I told you?" She added,

"Um I think we have," Zahra answered looking to Truth. "Haven't we babe?"

"Well you still cry yourself to sleep some nights and I don't know why," He spoke honestly,

"I — I don't do that," She blushed shaking her head,

"Zahra?" Kirsty glances at her,

"I've been having nightmares," Zahra admitted. "That um — my daughter's father — will take her from me and I can't tell Lucky that, I can't talk about it  because he's her dad, not Psalm,"

"He's not going to take her," Truth held her hand,

"You don't know that," She mumbled. "And I have this feeling, all day, like I'm gonna get a call saying she's gone and it's sickening, sometimes I can't function," She grew upset.

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now