EP. 14

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please comment as much as you can guys, I don't feel like I get enough feedback on this book! Do you guys like it or???

I might stop writing and do something new, if people don't like it 😩


"So we're going to discharge you with some pain meds, I can't see why we need to keep you," Sinai said checking Truth's chart.

"No pain meds," He shook his head,

"He's a recovering addict," Hope spoke with a sigh. "Can he not have any of that?"

"I'm gonna wait for Zahra," Truth said settling back in his bed.

Hope rolled her eyes and sat back down, she was tired of hearing Zahra's name.

"Right okay and I'll explain to her that your dressings need to be changed every day, we don't want you to get an infection," Sinai spoke.

"Thank you Dr Melrose, you've been amazing," Adore spoke up,

"It's my job and Zahra is a good friend, I want to make sure you're all taken care of," Sinai smiled politely.

"About Zahra," Truth cleared his throat. "She won't talk to me about — you know — did everything go okay?"

"Patient Doctor confidentiality," Sinai said with a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah," He blew out a breath. It wasn't long before Zahra joined them.

She looked terrible. Her hair was pushed out of her face and her eyes had severe bags.

You could see the lack of light left in her, it was like it had all been sucked out.

"Can we talk?" Truth looked to his mom and sister, a way to get them to leave.

"We'll be right outside," Adore nodded, while Hope was more reluctant to leave.

"I've explained the discharge process so I'm done here, be careful Lucky, this could have been worse," Sinai said to him.

"Thank you," He thanked her, while Zahra stared into space.

"See you later," Sinai squeezed Zahra's shoulder, to be met with no response.

"Baby, she was talking to you," Truth touched Zahra's hand, making her turn to him.

"Are you okay?" Zahra held Truth's hand, her eyes remaining glazed over.

"I should be asking you that," Truth responded. "Are you okay? Are you still in pain or has it calmed down now?"

Those words triggered something in Zahra, something she had been trying hard to suppress.

"Calmed down?" She repeated looking at him. "Do you think this pain will ever go?" She asked him quietly.

"That's not what I meant Zahra, I know you're in pain —,"

"No you don't know anything," Zahra said shaking her head, her lip quivering.

"Aida, I didn't mean it," Trurh sat up slowly,

"I'm going home, to be with my daughter," She stood up abruptly, leaving the room in a huff.

That was the last time Truth saw her till he got home, and found her stuck in her grief in an empty nursery.


"Thanks mama," Truth thanked Adore as she sat a plate in front of him.

"Maybe ask her if she would like something too," Adore suggested with a sad face.

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