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a/n - I messed up guys, his name is Lucky Jackson, so if you see Johnson, ignore ❤️


"Zahra," Zahra smiled putting her hand out for her to shake. "Truth has never mentioned you, or if he has, you weren't that memorable," She grinned.

"This is Bailey and we weren't married, get your delusional ass on." Truth said tightening his grip around Zahra.

"Oh this is Bailey," Zahra chuckled,

"He hasn't told you everything, did he tell you what he made me do?" Bailey said loudly,

"Go the fuck away," Truth barked at her, drawing more attention to them.

Zahra squeezed his hand, "Why don't you go change babe? We have dinner tonight, remember?" She smiled softly.

"I don't want her around you," He said quietly,

"Tiger is right here, what can she do to me?" She chuckled though really, she was about to lunge at the girl.

Truth mugged Bailey one last time before he walked away.

"How much for you to just go away?" Zahra asked her softly, her smile never once faltering.

There was cameras, in every inch of the court. If she so much as frowned, the cameras would pick that up and she would be headline news in the morning.

"This won't go away," Bailey said quietly, "Our daughter won't go away,"

Zahra stepped back and blinked at her. "You kept the baby?" She asked her softly.

"His first child, so if he wants me to go to the media I can," Bailey nodded with a sinister grin.

Instead of responding, Zahra grabbed her purse, walking away.

Tiger followed behind her, as he was instructed to do.

"Ma'am?" He said, taking large strides to keep up with her.

"Can you get the car please?" Zahra said swallowing the lump in her throat, "I have to get back to the hospital,"

"Right now?" Tiger asked. "But Lucky is still —"

"Lucky has a car, go and get mine," Zahra snapped, as politely as she could at that moment.

So many things were running through her head, so many things.

But she couldn't let Bailey see her sweat, she could never react how she wanted to do.

Tiger didn't wait around, he went to get her car, leaving her by the entrance.

"Oh Zahra," Olivia said turning to her, "Waiting for your car?" She asked with a smile.

"Stop doing that," Zahra huffed. "You know what has happened with your husband and you're being nice to me, stop,"

"I'm being nice because I know you didn't mean it," Olivia shrugged. "I've told you before my husband is a cheater, it's not new to me,"

"How can you do that? How can you be so damn oblivious to him making a fool out of you?" Zahra asked shaking her head,

"You'll soon see," Olivia replied. "Once you and Lucky get married, you'll know that you can't let other women try and push you out of your spot,"

"Aasad married me, he could have married someone else, he could divorce me and live happily ever after with you," She continued,

"But he picked me so no woman is going to make me feel threatened, I have my spot, they have theirs, you have yours," She pointed at her.

"I want to be able to look past it," Zahra muttered. "But it's hard, I don't share,"

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now