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excuse any mistakes and enjoy my loves 🫶🏾🫶🏾
I've also been loving all your comments, thanks so much ❤️


"Tahj stop, you're being naughty," Zahra said rocking him. "Mommy is trying, I'm trying," She said kissing his head.

"Maybe take him out of the room for fresh air, I can wait," Fran said sitting at the desk,

"He's not usually like this, I'm so sorry," Zahra apologised walking around the office.

"It's good to see you're stable on your feet now," Fran pointed out,

"I have to be, how can I look after my son?" Zahra patted his back. "I've gone back to work too, with my doctors consent though,"

"That's great, I'm proud of you," Fran smiled as Tahj started to cry loudly. "Would you like me to try? It's just — "

"Please," Zahra nodded handing him over, "Lucky usually calms him when he's like this,"

"There you go," Fran said with a smile when he stopped crying, putting his thumb in his mouth.

"You are so cheeky Zaire," Zahra huffed sitting down. "I've stopped breastfeeding, he hates me now,"

"Oh no you have to move over for your little ..." Fran trailed off,

"We are waiting to find out, Lucky wants to wait till I give birth," Zahra answered softly,

"Nice," Fran nodded. Once Tahj had settled Zahra took him back and laid him in her lap.

"Back to work sorry," Zahra apologized tiredly,

"We can do this tomorrow? If it's too much?" Fran suggested,

"No I asked you to come," Zahra said shaking her head. "Now that's he asleep, we have about thirty minutes before he wakes up again,"

"How are you coping? This schedule is very difficult and I don't want to add anymore unnecessary stress or pressure on your plate," Fran spoke,

"We signed a contract, I have to be at these awards, I'm okay honestly," Zahra nodded her head,

"Great okay so I have a stylist coming here tomorrow for a fitting, it's only the Hip Hop Awards so it shouldn't be too long," Fran started,

"Okay anything else?" Zahra rubbed her forehead, she felt a headache coming along.

"There's a therapy session in your diary —"

"You can go ahead and cancel that," Zahra replied cutting her off. "Lucky is on tour next week,"

"Next week? He'll miss the awards," Fran said with wide eyes. "If he doesn't turn up, it will make the rumours true,"

"We have split up, that's not a rumor," Zahra ran her hands through her hair. "We're co-parenting, he stays out in Palm Springs and I'm here with Tahj,"

"Is this final?" Fran asked

Zahra blew out a breath, "Everything that has happened over these few months, I can't see myself being with him ever again," She spoke.

"Wow," Fran whispered. "Would you like Tatum to go in his place?"

"No I'll be fine alone," Zahra responded. "I can do things on my own,"

"Okay," Fran nodded her head. They continued through her schedule while Zahra tried hard to stay awake.

"Then finally, we have to discuss the baby, how would you like to announce or?" Fran looked up,

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now