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a lot takes place in this long chapter so please read carefully and enjoy 🫶🏾

I have put a trigger warning on it because there are some sensitive topics and scenes that may be upsetting and difficult to read. ❤️

⚠️trigger warning ⚠️


Truth slipped into the house quietly, taking his shoes off. He lifted them up and crept up the stairs.

Once he got to his bedroom, he smelled his clothes, making sure there was no trace of anything on him.

"Lucky is that you?" Zahra asked tiredly,

"Yeah it's me baby," He opened the bedroom door. "I thought you would be asleep by now,"

"Feeding," She said simply, Tahari attached to her nipple with her breastfeeding pillow beneath him.

"Hey," Truth kissed her lips lightly. "What's up Twin?" He touched Tahari's arm.

"Where were you?" Zahra asked watching him,

"Out, I went for a drive," He said going into the bathroom. "I'm about to shower —"

"A drive?" She repeated cutting him off,

"Yeah a drive," Truth said with a nod. "What did you think I was going to say?" He added.

Zahra nodded and looked back down at Tahari, "You missed dinner, Taylor and Tahj were asking of you,"

"I'll see them in the morning," He answered blankly,

"Lucky did I do something?" She asked softly,

Truth sighed and shut the shower off, "I needed some fresh air Z, we've been cooped up in the house with the baby, I wanted to get out,"

"You could have told me," Zahra replied. "You left and didn't say anything?"

"Sorry Zahra okay? I'm sorry," He responded. "I'm back now so you don't have to worry,"

"Why are you lying to me Truth? You forget I have your location, who were you with?" She said to him with more force. "Who is she?" She pressed.

"I was with Tiffany," Truth admitted,

Zahra sighed and shook her head, "Doing?" She continued.

"Talking, we talked that's it," He blinked at her.

Zahra lifted Tahari onto her shoulder and proceeded to wind him.

"We didn't do nothing but talk," Truth spoke when she didn't answer.

"You can't hear me?" He pressed when she ignored him again.

"I can hear you," She said softly. "Oh good boy," She whispered when Tahari burped.

Truth sucked his teeth and went to shower, slamming the bathroom door.

Zahra waited till Tahari was asleep before she laid him in his crib, getting her breast pumps out.

She usually pumped at night so Truth could help with the feedings while she slept.

Truth got out of the shower and moved around the room silently.

"Did you have sex with her?" Zahra asked before he got into the bed,

"No Zahra, I didn't," He huffed. "We talked, she was my friend before anything,"

Zahra let him get into the bed beside her, "Tomorrow I have to do my hair before the party,"

"I remember," Truth nodded. "Ben is going to take you because I need to make sure they set up right,"

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now