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"Don't let no one past this gate, what was y'all doing?" Aasad went off on the security,

"Sir we weren't aware," Ben defended,

"You weren't aware," Aasad scoffed. "Y'all are lucky I'm not the boss here,"

"Yes sir," Ben said lowly, going back to his post. Ade mugged Aasad before he walked back to the gate.

"You need a new security team," Aasad said to Zahra as he came into the house,

"Why? I like them," She defended shaking Tahj's bottle,

"You like them but they're doing a bad job at protecting you guys," He exclaimed,

"Aasad don't come into my home and start thinking you call all the shots, I run this home, not you," Zahra pointed at him,

"I want you to be safe Zahra," Aasad frowned,

"And I will be, don't worry about it," She touched his chest. "I wanted to ask you something though," She said softly,

"Anything you want," He put his arms around her waist,

"I don't want to fly with Truth, not after last night," Zahra mentioned,

"I thought you didn't want people speculating about y'all's relationship," Aasad said raising a brow.

"You're right, they would think something is going on," She muttered under her breath. "Will you stay at the same hotel?" She asked.

"Olivia is coming," He mentioned lowly, "You know I would want to stay with you —"

"You don't have to explain Aasad, I get it," Zahra reassured him with a smile.

"That's why you're my favourite," Aasad said kissing her slowly,

"Am I?" She smirked at him,

"You know you are," He lifted her up onto the counter, "No one is better than you,"

"I bet," Zahra put her arms around his neck, "When do you have to leave?" She asked him.

"Whenever you want me to, I was gonna take you to the airport," Aasad kissed down her neck. "Make sure Tahj is straight too, this his first time on a plane right?"

"Yeah I'm a bit nervous," Zahra told him,

"You don't need to be nervous, you'll have the nanny too," He kissed her lips quickly. "What you want for breakfast?" He pulled away, leaving her on the counter.

"You're going to make me breakfast?" She laughed,

"You don't think I can? I'm a chef," Aasad replied opening the refrigerator, "How do you like your eggs?"

"Fertilised," Zahra said with a straight face,

"Zahra it's all fun and games now till you pregnant," He said back to her, "I rarely miss so you could already be pregnant,"

"You can't take a joke?" She laughed, "Lila, you can bring him down now," She called for the nanny,

"Seriously how do you want your eggs? I even got them to get you turkey bacon, I know you don't eat pork," Aasad said standing in front of her,

"Scrambled with some cheese on them, thank you," Zahra pecked his lips,

The nanny came into the kitchen, looking between them.

"Thank you Lila," Zahra held her hands out for Tahj, "Good morning handsome, you had a good night?"

"He did," Lila answered,

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now