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enjoy my loves!! However this is a sad chapter so keep some tissues nearby 😘


"I know it hurts dear but you have to push," A nurse said in Zahra's ear, "Come on, one more push and your baby girl is here,"

"It hurts," Zahra sobbed shaking her head. "I can't do it, I can't,"

"You can," The nurse held her hand. "Tell me your plans, tell me what you want to do with your life?" She wanted her to talk through the contractions.

"I-I want to be a mom, a good mom," Zahra sniffed, wincing in pain. "I want to hold my baby and meet her,"

"So let's do that, push," The nurse gripped her hand,

Zahra pushed with all her might, the baby sliding right out of her, causing her to sigh in relief.

Then there was silence, too much silence. And then it dawned on her,

"She's gone?" Zahra said softly,

"What do you mean she's gone?" Truth shouted into the phone, pacing the floor, his voice jogging Zahra out of her daydream. "Just tell me where my daughter is,"

Zahra watched him, clinging to the couch, not moving.

"They've taken her somewhere and I have a right to know where she is," He raised his voice again, making Zahra jump. "Sorry baby," He sighed going to sit beside her.

"I need her back," Zahra sniffed,

"I'm trying," He rubbed her thigh, kissing the side of her head. "Don't put me on hold again, fuck," He shouted angrily.

Zahra sobbed into her hands, "She must be so scared, where did they even take her?"

"Aida relax," Truth said wrapping his arms around her. "Finally someone I can actually talk to," He said when someone came onto the phone.

"I can't disclose her actual location but I can tell you she's in a group home not far from you," The woman told them.

"A group home," Truth repeated with a heavy sigh. "Is there anyway we can get around this? Legally?"

"You could get lawyers involved but because this is a legal matter, we have to wait for the police to conduct their investigation," She said over the phone.

Zahra leaned into him, waiting for better news.

Truth hung up the phone and put it down, turning to Zahra.

"She's in the group home till he drops the charges," Truth mentioned quietly.

"What are we going to do?" She sniffed sadly. "She can't stay there, we can't leave her there,"

"I want you to talk to him," He replied taking her hand. "You were in a relationship, she's your child with him —"

"He doesn't know that," Zahra cut him off. "And if he finds out that I let her live with Bailey for all those years, knowing she was mine, he will take her from me,"

"You didn't know she was yours," Truth spoke,

"I still don't," She muttered softly. "I believe she's mine but I still can't explain how she got to Bailey and how Caleb pulled that all off,"

"We could do a test, a blood test," He said rubbing her shoulder. "I can get someone to do that today, Taylor already had one when we adopted her, remember?" He told her.

Zahra's eyes filled with tears again, her face growing red. "I need her here with me,"

"I know," Truth wrapped his arms around her, "And she'll come back, I promise,"

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now