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this has been ready for three days, I forgot to upload 🥹🥹


"Are you gonna to eye fuck him across the room all night?" Cherry nudged Zahra, making her look away from Truth.

"I don't blame her, I would stare at him all night too," Tatum laughed,

"He's just so edible," Zahra sighed watching him,

"I would love to be a fly on the wall tonight, y'all are gonna make another baby," Cherry said, not thinking too much about her statement.

"Hopefully," Zahra muttered. "He really wants a baby, like really wants one, and I want to give him that,"

"Already?" Tatum questioned in shock,

"Yeah, he wants one," Zahra responded,

"Yeah but do you?" Tatum asked. "Because you keep saying it's what Lucky wants,"

"Honestly? I was done after Tahj," Zahra said quietly. "But if I don't do it, someone else will and I can't lose my husband or Tahj's father, I don't want my son growing up in a broken family,"

"Truth won't say it but I'm sure he'll have kids with someone else, maybe Bailey —"

"Okay that's enough of this," Tatum reached for Zahra's glass, "Cherry we will be right back," She dragged Zahra away.

"What did I say?" Zahra whispered to her,

"I love Cherry but I don't trust her, you mentioned Bailey and babies, not a good idea," Tatum said, "How much have you had to drink?" She squinted at her.

"Not much, I barely drink so when I do, it goes straight to my head," Zahra blushed, swaying to the music.

Tatum took her out to the hallway, "Should I be worried? You're drinking more and it's not stopping, I get that after the baby things were hard but you're turning into a different person,"

"I drank red wine instead of white, that's why," Zahra replied, clearly not hearing what Tatum was saying.

"Zahra," Tatum snapped, "I am worried about you," She spoke quietly.

"Why?" Zahra raised a brow,

"Oh my God," Tatum sighed heavily touching her head. "I will talk to you in the morning, you're drunk,"

"I am tipsy, not drunk and yes I will speak to you in the morning," Zahra gave her a hug. "I am not a drunk Tatum, relax," She dragged out.

"I hope so," Tatum commented,

"I'm fine," Zahra laughed nudging her. "I know that I am drinking more but it's because I haven't been able to, for months,"

"I'm able to do all the things I couldn't do when I was pregnant with Tahj and Tahira, that's all," She added, her heart aching slightly as she mentioned Tahira.

"I get that but I'm worried you're going to take it too far, have you spoken to your therapist?" Tatum asked,

"I feel like she's in the room with me," Zahra said with an eye roll,

"You know I just want what's best for you," Tatum expressed touching her arm. "And this; is scaring me,"

"Don't worry about me, I don't drink at home, it's my husband's birthday, I'm having fun; okay?" Zahra stood up straight,

"You're cut off for the rest of the night," Tatum pointed at her,

"Fine," Zahra laughed linking arms with her. "Let's get something to eat, no one is going to my pizza bar,"

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now