EP. 5

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to my loyal readers, welcome back!
to my new readers, welcome!! I hope you enjoy yourself because you're in for a ride 😩🫶🏾


"Just take the test Zahra, what's the worse that can happen?" Zahra said to herself, staring in the bathroom mirror.

"You could be pregnant," Mali said over the phone,

"Yeah I know," Zahra muttered touching her head. "We were being so careful, I thought I was being careful,"

"Aren't you on the pill?" Mali questioned,

"Yes and I never miss a day," Zahra sighed,

"You're the doctor, how does that work?" Mali chuckled,

"This is serious Mali, we've never even discussed kids," Zahra stressed. "I don't think he wants any, now what am I meant to do?"

"Girl you know what you have to do," Mali said blankly,

"I'm an adult, I can't keep doing that," Zahra shook her head,

"Have you taken the test yet or are you still staring at it?"  Mali asked her,

"Shush," Zahra sighed blinking at the test, "I'm doing it," She mumbled grabbing it.

"Finally," Mali mumbled remaining quiet until Zahra spoke again.

"Do I tell him?" Zahra asked her quietly,

"It's positive?" Mali exclaimed,

"It came up as soon as I took it, I'm pregnant," Zahra hung her head low,

"You're what?" Truth said from the door, looking at her in shock.

"Mali I'll call you back," Zahra scrambled to hang up her phone,

"What do you mean you're pregnant?" He said dropping his shoulders,

"I didn't do it on purpose." Zahra mentioned quietly. "My career is just getting started, I don't want a baby,"

"So what are you going to do?" Truth questioned. "You're gonna get an abortion and not tell me?" He asked angrily,

"No why would you think that?" She asked leaning against the counter,

"A baby," Truth mumbled scratching his head. "We're having a baby," He repeated,

"Truth —"

"A baby," He hit his head gently, "A baby — we're having a baby," He kept repeating.

Zahra stepped forward and took his hand, "You're spiralling," She told him gently,

"A baby," He looked deep in her eyes,

"Yes Truth, a baby," Zahra replied softly. "If this isn't what you want then we don't have to, I hate seeing you like this,"

He let go of her and continued to pace the floor, repeating himself.

Zahra searched the room for his stress ball, that usually did the trick.

"A baby," Truth mumbled when she stood in front of him.

"Here," Zahra said giving him the ball. "You're Lucky Jackson, you can handle this, you can handle anything,"

"I can't handle anything," He shook his head, "A baby," He touched her stomach.

"Your baby," Zahra nodded holding his face. "Focus on me, focus on us," She said softly.

Truth's breathing slowed down and he closed his eyes, leaning down to her.

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