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1:54 AM

Zahra was woken by Tahj's light cries, causing her to sigh,

"Is it my turn?" She grumbled turning to Truth,

"Let me get him," Truth sat up tiredly, "He's burning up Z," He added.

"Okay," Zahra threw her legs over the side of the bed, taking a minute before she stood up. "I'll get the Tylenol," She mumbled.

Tahj cried loudly in the background as Zahra walked tiredly down to the kitchen, grabbing all the stuff she needed.

She got a bottle out of the refrigerator and put it in the bottle warmer, leaning on the counter to close her eyes.

"Aida," Truth called down the stairs,

"I'm coming Lucky, the bottle is warming up," She yawned tiredly.

"Come on little man," Truth said rocking him with his eyes closed, "All you gotta do is sleep, that's all you gotta do," He mumbled.

"I'm here," Zahra said walking in with the bottle, "Lay him down so I can give him the Tylenol,"

Truth walked him over to the changing table in their room, laying him down. "Tahj it's okay man, we're not killing you," He said holding his arms down,

Zahra dropped some in his mouth, making sure it got in there.

"Come on," She lifted him up, putting him on her nipple,

Truth walked back to the bed tiredly, pulling his eye mask back down.

"Really Lucky?" Zahra glanced at him,

"He's on your nipple, what do you want me to do?" He asked with a yawn,

"Nothing," She sighed laying back on the bed, closing her eyes.

Once he was done on the breast, she topped him up with a bottle.

"Can you change his diaper? I need the bathroom," Zahra touched Truth's shoulder,

"Go 'head," He pecked her cheek, letting her get up.

Sluggishly, Zahra walked to the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. The bags under her eyes were the heaviest she had even see them.

She finished up in the bathroom and went back to bed, seeing Truth asleep with Tahj in his crib, wide awake.

"Babe he's awake," She said softly, "Like wide awake, what do I do?"

"Mm," Truth hummed in his sleep,

"Great," Zahra sighed reaching for Tahj, "Can you go to sleep now baby? Please?" She rocked him slowly.

When Tahj started crying again, Zahra didn't know what else to do but cry with him.

"I don't know what you want me to do," She cried looking at him. "You're fed, you're changed, I even gave you medicine, what more?"

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now