EP. 15

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"Calm down," Truth stressed, holding Zahra's arms,

"I am going to kill her," Zahra fumed, slapping his hands away,

"I wasn't listening to anything she was saying, she's trying to get a rise out of you," He explained rubbing her arms.

"Lucky you aren't helping," She shouted angrily. "I don't want you to calm me down, I want to go and hit her in the face,"

Truth sighed heavily and sat down. "Then we're not leaving this room till you calm down,"

"And she has the cheek to talk about my daughter," Zahra scoffed loudly. "My daughter, my child," She shook her head.

Truth let her get it all out, keeping silent while she shouted.

"Tahira was yours, I would never lie to you about that." Zahra said after a while.

"I know that Z. She was saying shit that would make you angry and you gave in," He replied. "I know she was mine, your sister wouldn't make me question that,"

"I don't know why she hates me so much, I've never done anything to her," Zahra replied shaking her head.

"Jealousy, she can see you're happy," Truth responded. "But you fighting her, on our son's baptism Zahra, that's —"

"I'm sorry," She cut in sadly,

"It's embarrassing and I'm always defending you to my family, always and then you do this," He sighed,

"I'm sorry Truth," Zahra's eyes watered. "I was angry, and I'm hurt, she spoke on my child, that is not okay,"

"Our child," Truth said quietly, "This isn't the first time you've referred to Tahira as your child, she was ours,"

Zahra blew out a breath, leaning against the dresser. "I don't know what you want from me Lucky,"

"I want you to have some accountability, you shouldn't have hit her, regardless of what she was saying," He responded. "I want you to recognise that you're not alone in this,"

"But I am alone, you don't know how it feels, to lose two children, it's painful," She responded.

"One of them was our daughter, I know how it feels," Truth mentioned.

"You don't," Zahra expressed in tears. "I need to be alone Lucky, just go, I don't want to say anything I regret,"

"What are you going to say?" He stood up, "That I can't have feelings about the child we made together or that I don't know how it feels because I wasn't carrying her, even though —?"

"Go on, say it, I couldn't even do that properly?" She sniffed. "Say it," Zahra pressed.

"I'm not going to say that Zahra." Truth shook his head when she started to cry.

"I'm going crazy," She exclaimed in tears. "I feel like I'm going crazy, I need help,"

"Then let me get you the help you need," He said quickly. "I've been begging you to let me help you,"

"No you just want to put me somewhere," Zahra said softly.

"You need help baby, let me help you," Truth wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed painfully.

"I want her back," She cried into him.

"Zahra you're not getting anywhere with this, you keep going back, we take ten steps forward and twenty back, I thought we were working through this," He said to her.

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