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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️
enjoy my loves 🫶🏾


Zahra woke up in a cold sweat, panting softly. Her eyes went to the bed beside her and it was empty, her mind going back to the night before.

She laid back down and placed a hand on her stomach, closing her eyes.

Flashes of Truth on top of her caused her eyes to fly open. Her stomach began to bubble and before she knew it, she was hunched over the toilet, vomiting.

With a light groan, she got up and flushed the toilet. Proceeding to brush her teeth, she had a glance at herself in the mirror.

Truth's ring had left a cut on her lip while her cheek was slightly swollen.

Zahra, being that she was not new to this, knew a cold compress would help with the swelling.

While brushing her teeth, she held a cold towel to her cheek, hoping it would act fast.

Once she was done, she sluggishly returned back to the bed, laying down face first.

Again, scenes of the night before played out in her head, over and over.

Her eyes burned with tears and her body felt weak, but most importantly, she felt weak.

Weak because what he had done hadn't changed anything for her, she still loved him all the same.

But she knew that after that night, loving him was harder than she had ever envisioned.

A knock sounded through the room, making her jump but not respond.

"Zahra?" Aasad stood by the door quietly, "You up?" He asked again, stepping into the room.

"Yeah," Zahra peeped quietly, her voice hoarse from crying herself to sleep.

"I got you some breakfast, and some Tylenol, for your head," He said holding up a tray.

Zahra turned over and looked at him, seeing that he seemed afraid to come any closer.

"Thank you," She mumbled sitting up slightly. "But I'm not hungry," She spoke.

"It's not a lot, just try," He came closer and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Zahra looked around the room, realising that it was his room she had slept in that night.

"My sisters and my parents are still asleep so you don't have to worry about no one seeing you," Aasad spoke knowingly. "I would have taken you to a hotel but —"

"I wanted to be with you," Zahra shook her head,

"Yeah me too," He said looking back at the plate. "It's all halal," He mentioned handing it to her.

"Thank you," She spoke softly. Aasad watched her as she ate slowly,

"Zahra," Aasad said with a sigh. "I need to take you to the doctor," He said looking at her bruises.

"No doctors, I'm fine, I'm a doctor and I know I'm fine," Zahra cleared her throat,

"Did he — you've got bruises on your thighs," He clenched his jaw. "I saw them in the shower, —"

"He didn't do what you think he did," She defended. "He was angry, really angry but he wouldn't do that to me,"

"He wouldn't?" Aasad shot back,

Zahra placed her fork down, "You can take me home now," She mumbled.

"Take you home? Zahra look at your face," He raised his voice. "I don't mean to shout, shit I'm sorry," He said when her eyes welled with tears.

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