EP. 2

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chapter 2, I know it's been long but I'm back 🫶🏾


"Mum I'm fine," Zahra groaned swatting her hand away,

"No you're not and I'm not leaving till you get seen," Iman said checking her phone. "Have me missing out on girls night," She sucked her teeth.

"You can go, I fainted out of dehydration, I'm good," Zahra complained,

"No," Iman snapped. "Excuse me, do any doctors work in this damn place?" She stepped out of the room.

"Ahmed," Sinai's eyes widened as she entered the room. "You love this hospital that much?" She chuckled.

"You look familiar," Iman narrowed her eyes at her,

"I'm Doctor Melrose, the Chief of Surgery," Sinai introduced herself.

"What's your first name? Where are your people from?" Iman prodded.

"Mum," Zahra groaned, she felt embarrassed already.

"It's Sinai, used to be Brewster but now —"

"Oh I knew it," Iman squealed. "You look like your dad; that's why,"

"Oh," Sinai's face turned hard. "Are you one of his little girlfriends or something?" She put her hand on her waist.

"No sweetie, me and your mom go way back," Iman laughed. "You are exactly like her, feisty," She added.

"Don't let Naala hear you say that," Sinai said with a chuckle. "Zahra what are you doing here?" She turned to Zahra.

"She collapsed," Iman spoke dramatically,

"No Chief Melrose I fainted," Zahra said sitting up. "I hadn't drank much water, that's all," She said holding back on what really happened,

"Okay I'll get you on a drip and run a few tests," Sinai said standing over her.

"Good, someone who actually wants to help," Iman grumbled under her breath. "You know me and your mom are meant to be meeting tonight,"

"Where is her pregnant ass gonna go?" Sinai said lowly,

"She's pregnant?" Iman gasped,

"Oh she didn't tell you?" Sinai made a yikes face, "Girl she's knocked up again,"

"Mm Dave never misses, he was like that in school too, always trapping her," Iman sucked her teeth,

"Don't be fooled aunty, she traps him right back," Sinai giggled while Zahra sat quietly, mulling over what she heard in that restroom.

"Can you not become friends with my mum?" Zahra said quietly when Iman stepped out to take a call,

"She's cool, you should be more like her," Sinai said fixing her arm for the drip. "A small prick and then we're done,"

"Thanks," Zahra mumbled looking away,

"What really happened?" Sinai said not looking at her.

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