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I don't know why I'm so nervous 🫣 enjoy 🫠


Zahra's phone buzzed repeatedly beside her, making her frown. She moved around in her sleep, trying to get comfortable.

Her phone buzzed again causing her to shoot up.

"Mali I swear if your house isn't on fire, then I'm gonna kill you," Zahra said in anger,

"Are you asleep? Wake your ass up," Mali shouted into the phone.

"I'm up, I'm up, what's the matter?" Zahra scratched her eyebrow,

"You're all over the blogs Zahra, they know," Mali softened her voice.

Zahra blinked slowly and took her phone away from her, realising why her phone was ringing off the hook.

"Who told them?" She said out loud scrolling through all the comments, calling her every name under the sun.

"Apparently it was leaked, who else knows?" Mali asked her,

"Only my close ones, I don't think he's even told anyone," Zahra sighed, "Wait, Lia's calling me,"

"Let me put it on a three way," Mali mumbled lowly.

Zahra got out of her bed, pulling her large t-shirt down.

"You okay girl? You're quiet," Mali spoke,

"My whole life is blowing up," Zahra muttered, her eyes watering.

"You're the talk of the town," Lia joined the call loudly. "Girl, this is serious,"

"She knows Lia," Mali rolled her eyes. "Zahra baby, put your face in the camera so I know you're not crying,"

"What am I going to do?" Zahra sobbed rubbing her eyes. "I'm a surgeon, I'm a normal girl,"

"That got knocked up by America's golden boy, it's interesting," Lia shouted,

"It's not," Zahra cried looking at herself in the mirror. "We're not even sure if we want it, I'm not sure if I want it,"

"Calm down," Mali sighed. "Im coming over there, just relax,"

Zahra heard loud knocking on her door, making her jump.

"Maybe it's him, let me see his fine ass," Lia giggled,

"Are you high?" Mali snapped,

"Maybe," Lia said in a low tone. "Zahra girl, go let our baby daddy in,"

"I'm not even gonna play with y'all," Zahra sucked her teeth, hanging up the phone.

She wiped her face and fixed her hair. "Z you're a bad bitch. Bad bitches don't cry, ever," She said to herself.

After some more amping up, she was ready to face the world.

Her phone was still ringing off the hook and she could see it lighting up.

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now