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I have taken my time on this one because a lot took place so enjoy 🫶🏾🫶🏾


"He takes a bottle before he goes down," Truth leaned against the wall, his phone to his ear.

"And what about Taylor?" Hope asked,

"Let me speak to her," He said looking back in the room to see if Zahra was still okay.

"Hi daddy," Taylor's voice came through the phone making him smile.

"Hi, you should be getting ready for bed," Truth responded.

"I'm excited to meet the baby," Taylor said excitedly. "Can I speak to mom?"

"Yeah give me a second," He went back into the room. "Baby, Tay wants to speak to you,"

"Oh my baby," Zahra sat up carefully. "Why are you still awake girly?" She said into the phone tiredly,

"I don't want to fall asleep because then I won't meet the baby," Taylor answered holding back a yawn,

"You'll meet him as soon as you wake up, you need to sleep," Zahra said to her,

"Yeah sleep Taylor, you'll be here in the morning," Truth coincided, taking a seat beside Zahra, closing his eyes.

"Goodnight my love," Zahra said before she hung up. "How can you sleep at a time like this?" She nudged Truth,

"Because I'm tired Z," He sighed opening his eyes,

"What do you think I am? Energised?" She argued nudging him again,

"Baby I just want to sleep before we don't get any," Truth frowned sitting up,

"Okay so do I but I can't do you want to have these contractions instead?" Zahra raised a brow.

"Nah," He rubbed her stomach, fighting to keep his eyes open.

Zahra sighed and moved his hand, "Sleep, you shouldn't have to stay up with me,"

"I should," He shook his head with another yawn,

"It's fine," She closed her eyes as she felt another contraction. "But they're getting worse, like there's something there,"

"The nurse said that's how it'll feel," Truth rubbed her leg soothingly,

"It's different Lucky," Zahra cried holding onto his hand,

"Okay let me get a nurse," He stood up, heading out to the nurses station.

"Hi can we help?" One of the nurses looked to him.

"My wife is saying she feels the contractions getting worse, I've come out here twice already," Truth spoke tiredly,

"We've offered her pain meds but she's refused them, there's nothing we can do," The nurse checked Zahra's chart.

"Can you at least check her out? We've had a baby before and it wasn't like this," He explained.

"Every birth isn't the same," The nurse spoke blankly.

"I'm asking you as a nurse to check my wife out," Truth shouted. "Women are dying in childbirth, my wife is not about to be a statistic, do your fucking job,"

"Sir there is no need to curse at me," She frowned,

"Do your job then I wouldn't have to," He said angrily, "We're in the suite at the end, she's been crying for hours and none of you are doing shit,"

"What's going on?" Another nurse stood up,

"He just came over and started shouting at me," The nurse said gesturing to Truth,

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now