EP. 22

504 19 9

long overdue but wanted it to be perfect, enjoy my loves 🫶🏾🫶🏾


"You're not weak," Zahra kissed Truth's face delicately. "Stop saying that," She said quietly.

"I just feel useless, like I can't protect you from anything, I can't protect my sons," He cried into her chest.

Truth had been in the same state for a while, going over his dreams, one by one in his head.

"Lucky, she's gone, you're letting her win," Zahra wiped his tears. "You're letting someone who has no authority over your life, change how you feel day to day," She added.

"I hate her," He said angrily,

"I know,"  She patted his back. "But you have so much to live for, so much more than what you think,"

"I can't live without you," Truth looked up at her,

"You can," Zahra held his face. "I don't want you depending on me Lucky, I love you too, a lot but you can live without me,"

"I really can't," He sniffed kissing her stomach. Zahra rubbed his back, letting him cuddle up to her body.

"I don't think seeing your family right now is going to help you," She said softly. "They bring up more memories for you and I don't think it's good for you,"

"I promised Hope I would come," Truth said back,

"Do you feel okay to go?" Zahra asked sitting up slightly,

"With you I can," He nodded, leaning forward to kiss her. Zahra pulled away and blinked at him.

"Lucky we are taking Taylor with us and I don't want her surrounded by drama, I don't want either of them in that," She warned him.

"I won't put my kids in harms way," Truth said quickly. "Taylor called me - um - she asked to call me dad,"

Zahra wasn't shocked by that, Taylor had asked to call her mom previously.

"And what did you say?" She glanced down at him,

"I said she could if she wants to, you don't have to let her call you mom either," He said quickly,

"I mean, I don't mind but she has a mom," Zahra answered quietly. "Is this too much Luck? We went from two kids to three," She bit her lip.

"We're good," Truth said just as Zahra sneezed.

"Move I don't want to get you sick," She sniffed getting up carefully. She sat at the edge of the bed for a moment, taking a breath.

"Two more weeks," Truth rubbed her back as she sighed heavily.

"I am so over this pregnancy," Zahra threw her head back. "I just want him out now," She said softly.

"Soon," He kissed her cheek, "You want me to pack your bags for you?" He asked, reminding her of the trip.

"I need to get Taylor," She yawned stretching. "Also we need to pack a bag for the baby, in case I go into labor,"

"You won't, we're not having our son in Colorado," Truth stood up to help her up.

"You never know, the way I'm feeling," Zahra rubbed her stomach, "His head is low, he's coming soon," She told him.

"Before Christmas?" He asked putting his hand over her stomach.

"Mmm," She leaned into him. "Ooo," She moaned softly as her stomach contracted.

"Sorry," Truth said in her ear, kissing it gently. Zahra closed her eyes, breathing in and out slowly.

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