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a nice, emotional chapter for you all, hope you enjoy!!
Your comments make me giggle every time, I love engagement so please do engage anyway you can, a comment, an emoji, a vote, they matter to me 🫶🏾🫶🏾


"Tahj please." Zahra sighed rocking him gently, "You don't want to sleep?" She said tapping his back.

Zahra checked the time once more and blew out a breath.

Truth wasn't home and she was worried. He had left the house in anger, which wasn't a good thing.

She reached for her phone and dialled his number, waiting for him to answer.

When he didn't answer, like he hadn't been for the last 3 hours, she threw her phone to the side in anger.

Tahj settled and Zahra laid him in his crib, settling into bed herself.

She couldn't sleep at all, she could only think of where Truth was, and if he was safe.

After a few prayers, the security alarm went off, causing her to jump up.

Zahra rushed to the hallway, watching him come up the stairs slowly.

"I know it's late, I lost track of time," Truth said lowly, trying to get past her.

"Who were you with?" She looked him in the eye,

"Zahra I just want to shower and sleep," He said with a sigh,

"You were with someone else," Zahra said softly. "I — you almost hit me while I was holding my son and then instead of trying to make that right, you went to see someone else,"

"I didn't do that, I didn't hit you either, relax," Truth moved around her, going into their bedroom.

Zahra followed behind him, watching him strip out of his clothes.

"Who was it?" She sniffed,

"I'm not going this with you, I'm sorry I overreacted and grabbed you like that, I should never put my hands on you," He spoke,

Zahra's stomach turned at the thought of him being with another woman, causing her to rush to the bathroom, bringing up everything she had eaten that day.

"You being sick in there?" Truth paused,

"Mm," Zahra hummed holding onto the toilet.

Truth sighed and went in there, rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry," He helped with her hair,

"Thank you," She said tiredly, taking a deep breath.

"Let me get you a bottle of water," He said standing up slowly. He went to the refrigerator they had in their bedroom, grabbing her a bottle of water.

Once he came back, Zahra was by the sink, brushing her teeth.

"I wasn't with nobody, I know that you're not gonna believe me," Truth said after a while.

"How can I believe you?" She sniffed sitting back on their bed.

"I just said you're not, I don't have the energy to keep telling you either," He replied.

Zahra broke down into tears, placing her head in the palms of her hands.

"I am so so tired of living like this," Zahra cried. "This uncertainty, this fear, you are not going to change, ever,"

"All you do is hurt me and lie about it, to make me feel like I'm going crazy, like I'm — I can't do this," She sobbed,

"I'm not cheating on you, why would I do that?" He said back to her,

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