1- cave home

326 3 1

Red's sleep was interrupted when two talons hit him him the side, he saw that it was Sky, "Dad it's time to wake up, you promised to take me and Peril hunting today!" Shy said his voice filled with excitement. Red got up slowly and stretched as he said "I know, but after I take you two hunting I'll have to go for a couple days."

Sky frowned and looked confused Peril also looked confused as she then said "Why do you have to leave dad?" Red simply said "I need to go out to grab a few things, don't worry my little fire hazard, I'll be back soon, and if not you'll be in charge."

Peril and Sky nodded in understanding and Sky said "Why can't I be in charge?" Peril then said "Because I am more responsible and a better fighter." Sky pounced at Peril as they started play fighting.

Red laughed slightly, Sky was probably the only dragon who could touch Peril and not get scars. Red then said "Alright, that's enough you two, get ready to hunt." Sky jumped toward Red and Peril ran after and said "We're ready dad!"

Red chuckled slightly at their eagerness as the began to leave the cave Red saw the painting Sky would draw with Peril's help. Red was happy to have these two as his Dragonets, but he still needed to find 5 more, and he was going to look for 3 in the next few days.

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