2- into the cold

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Red flew around the wall of the Icewing kingdom, it was the dead of the night. Red landed on a beach prepared to take Winter's egg when suddenly he saw a sky blue and green egg on the beach. Red looked at the egg, he had an idea, he didn't want to take away one dragon away from the Icewings as their queen was actually good. Red decided he would take Winter egg and leave this one in middle of a Icewing village.

Red began to fly towards the Icewing palace in the dead of the night while holding the egg, he quickly dipped down near a village and laid the egg near by next to a igloo. Red quickly flew off and went toward the palace.

Red saw the hatchery for as the Icewings called it the high class dragons. Red landed and snuck inside, he stayed as quite as he could but then a small nearly 2 year old dragonet tried to attack him, Red dodged and hit the dragonet against the walls, Red then said "I'm sorry young dragonet, this is for the good of Phyriha, you must understand." The dragonet then said "What do you mean, why are you here, are you here to kill for Scarlet and Burn?"

Red shook his head as the dragonet struggled to get up, Red simply said "I am doing this to stop something far more scary then the sandwing succession war." The Dragonet then said "Well you can't be here, go away or I'm gonna show you the power of the Icewings!" Red rolled his eyes and said "Trust me I'm absolutely terrified, you are such a terrifying dragonet, little whatever your name is." The dragonet growled and said "I'm Hailstorm and I'm gonna defeat you!"

Red smirked and hit Hailstorm hard enough to knock him out. Red walked toward two eggs labeled with the names Narwhal and Tundra on the best. Red took the egg that was labeled male, he glanced over at Hailstorm slight and said "I hope you turn out alright in the future." And Red began to fly toward his next location in the desert.

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