3- Sand criminals

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Red found himself in the desert holding the Icewing egg in his pouch. He landed near the Scorpion den. Red approached the entrance and two Sandwings stopped him, one said "We want nothing to do with the war or Scarlet, go away Sky for brains."

Red smirked and said "I am not here about the war, but I will pay you both to let me pass, how does 3 rubies sound?" The second sandwing then said "3 for each of us or just 3?" Red said "Three each." The sandwings nodded and but the first one said "Ok but we also will check your pouch." Red rolled his eyes and emptied his pouch, a couple bags of gold and several large rubies fell out as Red gently held the icewing egg.

The second Sandwing realized I have a egg not of my tribe and said "Oh, you are definitely not from the war, I'm sure Thorn would love to hear why you have an Icewing egg." Red rolled his eyes again as he stuffed his pouch again, they lead him into Scorpion den. Red was soon in front of the leader of the Outclaws, Thorn.

"Why is this Skywing here?" Thorn asked the two Sandwings who lead him here, "We think he stole a dragon egg." Thorn glared at Red and said "You two can return to your post, I have a few questions for this dragon." The two Sandwings quickly left, Thorn then said "Tell me Skywing, what is your name and whose egg did you steal, if you did steal it."

Red simply said "My name is Red, as for the Icewing egg, I did steal it but I stole it from a royal family who would only use him for power and wouldn't show him any love." Thorn glared at Red and said "Red, do you know a dragon named Dune?" Red then said "No, why?" Thorn then said "I just need to know where he is, may I ask why you're here?" Red then said "I have a friend who can see the future and I am looking for a sandwing named Cobra."

Thorn thought for a moment and said "Does your friend look like this." She pulled out a poster of a nightwing." Red shook his head and said "No, I'm sorry." Thorn sighed slightly and said "May I ask why you are looking for one of the top assassins in Scorpion den?" Red simply said "I need to make a deal with her, it is not a deal for death but I need this deal to help the future, and I honestly would like to leave sooner rather than later as my Dragonets are waiting for me to return."

Thorn raised one of her eyes and said "You have dragonets?" Red said "Yeah, I saved them from being killed by Queen Scarlet." Thorn thought for a minute and then said "Very well, I shall take you to Cobra to make whatever deal you need, but you must make a promise, if you see any strange looking Sandwing, you will tell me." Red simply said "Very well."

Thorn lead Red to Cobra's but and then said "She's inside, I'll wait out here to speak to you more after your deal." Red was about to walk in but the said "Thorn, could you watch this egg until I return?" Thorn then said "Very well, I will make sure it stays safe."

Red walked in on a dragon eating a coconut as he two dragons were fighting over a scorpion. Red then said "Hello, you must be Cobra." Cobra looked up at Red and said "What do you want Sky for brains?" Red held out a pouch of gold and gems and said "I want to make a deal." Cobra then said "Who do you want to be killed?" Red shook his head and said "I do not want any dragon killed, I want that dragon egg in the corner."

Cobra laughted and said "You're gonna need more then that to convince me to sell my egg." Red rolled his eyes and emptied his pouch of all the gold and gems he had as he said "Is this enough?" Cobra then said "Yes, it is, very well you can have the egg." Cobra head an evil smirk as she watched Red walk towards the egg, Red smirked and said "You shouldn't plan anything, Thorn is right outside." Cobra frowned slightly and said "I wasn't planning anything."

Red took the egg and put it in his pouch, he left and got his icewing egg back from Thorn. Thorn then questioned him if he had ever heard of a dragon named Stonemover or if he knew about the location of the talons of peace, she then let Red leave. Red was heading home then toward the secret summer palace.

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