12- flamless dreams

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Sky had always felt like he wasn't as strong as anyone in his family, all of them had ways to protect themselves, Winter had frost breath, Qibli had his poison tail barb and Peril had her flamescales. Sky in all truth was jealous of everyone, but he hid it so nobody could tell.

Sky was one of the best dragons at hiding how he felt, which was very useful when his siblings told him secrets that they didn't want to many dragons to know, like how Turtle was an animus and Moon could read minds and see the future. Sky wished he had even one thing, like fire breath, he was immune to fire but what use was that when he can't fight back against anyone.

Sky was suddenly snapped back to reality when Red walked in, everyone else was asleep. Red flopped down next to Sky and said "Sky, you're up late, what's wrong?" Sky replied "Nothing dad." Red then said "You're obviously lying as you're usually asleep by now." Sky then replied "Ok... well being on Pyrrhia has reminded me of how I am not as strong as anyone, I'm not even able to use fire breath."

Red smiled softly and said "You're worried about nothing, you are strong in a way different from everyone else, you're strong in spirit and heart." Sky then said "Dad, that's kinda lame and corny." Red smiled and said "Hey, it's true, you're more kind and caring then most dragons in the entire world, and you listen better then most, Peril and the rest might have ways to attack others but you can talk and that's a even greater power." Sky then said "I guess I can but still I wish I had one single thing like them." Red then said "Ok, how about this, I can train you to defend yourself, you'll always have your skills." Sky smiled and said "Okay Dad."

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