Chapter 2: Part 3

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"That's fine. We know each other at least" said Hasana in simple words. "Hey.." Jale said, "Do you think Morgan and Carmen look suspicious." she whispered while pointing at them. Both of them were quietly sitting and clearly forming opinions of everyone nearby. "I don't know for sure, but they are frightening." Khuld shivered because of the cold wind. "And with that, your dinner is finished. Until the next game or voting poll is determined, you are free to take a break. At the moment, it's essential that you give yourself a break. Until everything is resolved, you would be granted unrestricted leisure time in the morning." the host announced. Following that, we split up and headed to our diverse rooms and floors throughout the hotel.

As I stepped into the room, an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness washed over me. The intensity of my headache was unbearable. My eyes caught sight of the tablet lying on my bed. The pictures of the eliminated players were shown, with red X marks indicating their elimination. The number of remaining participants in the game has dwindled down to just 17. The game will come to an end once only 3 individuals remain. Death is inevitable for all of us. As I stretched out on my bed, I experienced the sensation of slowly sinking into the plush sheets. As I covered myself in a blanket, I gradually drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Once again, frightening thoughts were racing through my mind. While I was making my way home from school, I unexpectedly lost consciousness. The moment I opened my eyes, I discovered that I was lying on a chilly and rigid floor constructed with rocks and metal. Around me, there was a group consisting of 23 people. I lost my backpack. I lost my phone. They seized all of my belongings at that time. All eyes were on me. Their eyes expanded in size and their concern grew stronger. I felt like an outcast or different from others. A random weirdo that appeared suddenly.

Where am I? Was I forcefully abducted? Who are these people? The disappearance of their faces left me frozen in fear, causing a momentary pause in my heartbeat. The moment I opened my eyes, I was overcome by a sensation of heat and found it hard to breathe. The bad dream was remarkably true to life. I looked at the clock. It was 4:30 in the morning, very early in the day. I couldn't catch my breath for a brief moment. I needed time to understand and think about what I had just experienced. I started crying and had a hard time catching my breath. A surprise visitor knocked on my door out of nowhere. I stood up in order to find out who was there. My gaze fell upon someone staring back at me as the door swung open. "Yo, dude. Are you doing okay? You were yelling very loudly." Micheal approached me to ensure everything was alright as I made loud sounds while sleeping.

"Yeah, man. I'm alright. I just had a bad dream but nothing too bad." I told him. "Please try to be quiet. Do not forget that there are other people occupying this floor alongside you." he said with frustration. "My bad. I'll keep it down." I exhaled in relief. "Alright. See ya." Micheal left back to his room.I shut my door and walked back to the middle of my room. I decided to wash myself in the bath to help me think better. Once I finished showering, I got ready for the day ahead. I don't know what might happen today. The only thing I know is that I will escape from this place. Alive.

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