Chapter 6: Part 2

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We were led into a new room. We had no idea what was going to happen. We all walked there without a word. Célestine entered with a confident stride, her high heels clicking on the polished floor. Michael entered with a nonchalant grin, hands in his jean pockets. I lingered near the door, glancing around before cautiously entering. Mariella made a grand entrance, twirling a strand of her hair. Jago barely glanced up as he stepped through the doorway. Xavion followed, hands in his pockets, surveying the room with a casual demeanor. Morgan, trailing behind, a hint of curiosity in her expression. Jale, the last to enter, his face reflecting a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

There were 4 tables with 2 chairs in each. We each sat down with our partners. Guards came to us and brought us each a game of Jenga. The goal of the game was just to simply play Jenga. But of course, the loser will not make it. We began to set up the game.

In the dim glow of the cozy room, Micheal and I sat huddled around the Jenga tower, our eyes locked in a fierce concentration. The room echoed with the clatter of wooden blocks as Micheal delicately extracted a piece from the middle, his hands steady but focused. I watched intently, my fingers tapping nervously on my thigh. The tower wobbled precariously, but Micheal placed the piece on top with a victorious smile. Now, it was my turn to make a move. The tension between us hung thick in the air, turning a simple game of Jenga into a competitive dance of skill and nerve. As the Jenga tower reached impressive heights, Micheal and I found ourselves in the midst of an intense battle of balance and strategy. Concentration etched across our faces, we took turns carefully extracting and placing wooden blocks, each move a calculated risk. The room filled with the suspenseful silence of their focused competition, punctuated only by the occasional creak of the wooden tower. A nervous laugh escaped as Micheal narrowly avoided disaster, and I, determined, eyed the swaying structure with unwavering resolve. In this microcosm of tension, the game of Jenga transformed into a shared adventure, where the delicate balance of the tower mirrored the delicate balance of their friendly rivalry.

The room loudly echoed from across the room. A heavy amount of Jenga blocks were scattered across the floors. I looked over. Morgan's face grew cold. She had lost the game of Jenga. Morgan stared at the toppled Jenga tower, her face frozen in disbelief. "It's just a game, Morgan. No need to turn into a statue over it." Jago said. "Jago... this is goodbye." Morgan said. "What?" Jago looked her in the eyes. Morgan backed away from everyone as her collar began to make a beeping sound. "Finally, I'll be with Carmen again." Morgan smiled at us before her head blew off. Jago's jaw dropped in disbelief. He knew it was gonna happen but not in the moment.

We all looked at the blood covered floor. Jenga blocks were soaked. Jago screamed and started pulling his hair. It was a surprise to us all. We were all bonding from the beginning. The games are coming to an end. What if none of us make it? Why is this all being recorded on Live TV? These questions filled my head and suddenly another explosion happened. Mariella's body was laying on the floor as Xavion's  face went extremely neutral. "She didn't lose. She refused to play. Thus, she automatically lost." Xavion stood up and went to the door. Jale's collar had also exploded in moments time and Célestine ran off screaming.

It was down to me and Micheal. He looked at me and smiled. He took out his hand. "Promise me. If you live, you'll find out who that mastermind is and you'll free all of us. Don't blame yourself for any losses here. As the sun sets on today, remember that it's merely a prelude to the dawn of your tomorrow. The best chapters of your life have yet to be written, and with each sunrise, you have the chance to create a masterpiece. I want you to live on and get us all out. Even those of us that couldn't make it. Free our spirits from his place." he said. I looked at him in the eyes and shook his hand.

"May the best man win.."

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