Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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A/N - and here it starts, I am nervous and I'm writing it

TW - Panic Attack

<Everyone Has Joined The Game>

- Welcome to Season 6 Everybody! -

Xisuma said looking ecstatic, ready for the new season

- Welcome again and just welcome to our newest hermit Grian!! -

Xisuma says introducing the newest hermit Grian to the rest of the server. The small half parrot human Grian was shy, not saying a single word. He barley waved at everyone as they stared at him. Grian held his arm again feeling quite awkward.

- Well hello Grian, I'm Tango of the Tek and I'm excited to meet you -

Tango said trying to start a conversation with him but Grian just nodded while looking down, not liking any of the attention. Everyone just stood for a few minutes in silence.

- Well let's get to it -

Joehills said before wandering off with ZombieCleo breaking the silence. The rest joined them by going off to explore the world. Before Xisuma had invited the other hermits onto the server, he had told them about the rules and the different districts; Futuristic, Medieval, Pirate, Fantasy, AquaTown, Industrial and Shopping. He explained the different districts and how the hermits could build their own shops in the shopping district. Grian had ran off to the Futuristic district where he would be living for the rest of the season. He had quickly walked off looking down while rubbing his arm. Someone grabbed his shoulder making him jump.

- Hi Grian, are you heading to the Futuristic district too? -

Grian stared up at this tall man. He was wearing a suit and tie with black leather boots. He had black puffy hair with a black slick moustache. Grian quickly nodded before trying to get out of this strange man's grasp.

- Oh sorry, I'm Mumbo.K.Jumbo or Mumbo for short. Welcome to Hermitcraft though, I hope you enjoy your time here and trust me once you get to know everyone you'll see that they aren't actually that scary. I would love to become friends with you -

The strange man who was now identified as Mumbo slowly let go of Grian's shoulder noticing how uncomfortable Grian looked.

- Oh sorry Grian -

Mumbo mumbled to Grian while he fully let go of Grian's shoulder moving his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it while smiling awkwardly.

- Its fine, I would like to become friends though considering I have none -

Grian mumbled back while twiddling with his fingers watching himself doing it, not noticing the moustached man staring down at him with his eyes wide open in shock. The little parrot boy had spoke to him no wonder he was shocked. He was even more surprised when the bird boy had agreed to become friends. The parrot had looked up at Mumbo at this point, looking up at him confused on why he looked so shocked and surprised.

- Sorry did I do anything wrong? -

Grian replied with

- No no no! You did nothing wrong. I'm just surprised that you spoke to me and agreed to be friends with me -

Mumbo replied with looking extremely embarrassed that Grian had pointed out Mumbo for staring at him.

~Time Skip - 2 Weeks Later~

Grian hadn't talked to anyone apart from Mumbo. Mumbo knew this so he thought he would surprise Grian by having a friend of his over. This friend was Iskall85 or Iskall for short.

- Hello Mumbo!! -

Grian yelled as he walked into Mumbo's newly started base.

- I'm in my storage room Gri! -

Mumbo yelled back, getting excited considering his green friend was in his storage room with him. Grian yelled back saying he was just coming. He climbed down the ladder looking extremely happy, he got off the bottom of the ladder and turned to face Mumbo.

He froze when he saw Iskall standing next to Mumbo. Iskall Waved at Grian smiling at him. Grian was just staring at him not being able to move. Grian slowly started to hyperventilate, eyes still wide as he stared at Iskall. Grian's vision slowly started to blur and spin as he hyperventilated faster. He struggled to breathe Mumbo instantly realised something was wrong and ran up to Grian kneeling on one knee to get to Grian's height. Mumbo made sure he blocked Iskall from Grian's view trying to calm Grian down. Grian started to shake. Mumbo grabbed his hands, slowly being able to calm Grian down.

- I'm so sorry Grian, i-i didn't realise that you would have a panic attack. I am so sorry -

Mumbo replied running his hand through his hair looking extremely worried and sorry.

- I-I-Its fine -

Grian replied while looking over at Iskall, he was still shaking slightly. Iskall looked worried, he was rubbing the back of his neck while staring at Grian. He looked extremely guilty. Grian knowing that he would have to talk to people that wasn't just Mumbo, slowly lifted his hand and waved at Iskall. Iskall instantly waved back, slowly approaching the scared parrot so he wouldn't start panicking again. Mumbo was staring at this interaction while standing up. He looked surprised but glad that Grian was trying to make new friends.

- I'm Iskall85 or Iskall for short. Sorry about all of that -

Iskall replied. Apologising for no reason.

- I-its fine. I-i'm Grian. It's n-nice to meet you Iskall -

Grian spoke, he voice was still shaky from the panic attack. He seemed to be calming down though so that made Mumbo happy.

- Gri I think Iskall would love to be your friend -

Mumbo hinted at while staring at Iskall, making sure he got the hint. Grian agreed and soon the three of them became good friends. No one in the world of Hermitcraft would see one without another. (Iskall - Mumbo, Mumbo - Grian, Grian - Iskall or all 3)

(947 Words - not including any bold)

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