Chapter 6 - fed-up

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Scars POV

When I got home I felt embarrassed all thanks to Cub. I got changed into some plain beige cargo trousers and a pair of plain black trainers. I put on a white blouse and walked into my front garden and picked up a pair of gardening gloves. Yes I owned the whole island but I had a specific part that was for greenery. I walked over to the green garden and put the gloves on. I loved caring for plants and flowers they're so beautiful... like him. 

I was carefully gardening until I heard a swoosh of an elytra, I ignored it considering some people fly over my base to get to the shopping district. I was carefully planting a bunch of orange roses when I heard footsteps behind me. I shook my head slowly.

- what is it Cub? - 

I asked sounding fed-up. I had had enough of people visiting me today and I just wanted to garden in peace.

- ouch you think I'm Cub now - 

I heard a hoarse voice from behind me, it definitely wasn't Cub and it wasn't Grian. I turned around to see Mumbo behind me. 

- when did you start talking to me? And I didn't mean to offend you, only Cub really visits me and at that it's rare. -

I asked confused and sincere, staring up at the man in a suit. He always looked so smart, even just walking through the woods.

- oh, well I was wondering if you knew were Grian was. I'm just worried for him, Iskall was extremely rude to him for no reason. -

Mumbo said while rubbing the back of his head. I stood up, looking straight into his eyes.

- last time I saw him he was sobbing into me because of you guys, I would suggest staying away for a bit. I don't think he wants to see you or Iskall, but considering you asked nicely he's gone back to his room -

I said confidently with no remorse.

- oh, em well I'll get going... sorry -

And with that Mumbo had flew off over to Grian's base. Yes I didn't want him to but I just shook my head sighing as I did so. I couldn't interfere, it was not my business to help Grian with his problems but I just had to. He was... I don't know, he was just so.. him? I don't know how to describe it but he just makes me feel different. I then bent down and started to pluck some weeds, getting back to work on my garden and then someone else was behind me.

- What is it now! - 

I yelled getting more and more frustrated. I had had too many interactions with people, and yes that was only 3 - Mumbo, Grian and Cub but I had had too many.

- woah Scar what has gotten into you, has someone bothered you? -

I heard Cub say behind me, he sounded concerned. I suddenly felt bad for him considering I had just snapped at him for no reason.

- sorry, everything has just been tumbling down today -

I mumbled in response, feeling guilty even more. I sat fully down and covered my eyes with my hands. I groaned.

- Hey hey, you can tell me anything you want to tell me. I'll always be here for you, even if it's something extremely stupid. You know us Vexlings stick together -

Cub said, comforting me. He sat next to me rubbing my shoulder gently. I looked up into his eyes, he looked back softly. I hated how nice he could be for me, I messed up so many times but yet he's still by my side considering we're Vexlings and well... own a company together.

- it's just, Grian has left Sahara and his world is collapsing and I feel extremely bad for him. And then Mumbo walked up to me asking where he was so I told him, even though he most likely doesn't want people over and - 

I groaned again covering my face back up, tears slowly started to fall.

- hey Scar it's all going be good just go rest -

Cub patted my back before standing up, holding a hand out for me to use to help get up. I grabbed it and got up, pulling Cub in for a quick hug.

- thank you -

I whispered. Cub just giggled before leading me into my room letting me rest, I waved and he waved back. I'll never know what he wanted.

Grian's POV

When I got home I put all my stuff down and laid in bed, cuddling my cat plushies. Tears flowed out my eyes so I decided to get into my onesie, preparing to lay in bed for the next couple of days. I hugged my plushies before flopping into bed and crying. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

~~~~~ | Dream | ~~~~~

Xelqua I see you're back, are you ready to go home? -

The strange creature asked me again

- I told you to leave me alone!! I've had enough of your games -

- Xelqua i said, are you ready to go home? -


I yelled back, getting sick of it

- Xelqua you know they hate you, why bother staying -

I burst out crying, it was true everyone seemed to hate me apart from Scar. But I had just met him why would he care anymore.

I then snapped out of my dream by a knock on the door

- Grian I know you're annoyed at me but please let me explain! -

I heard Mumbo yell from the door. I wiped my eyes and nose before dragging myself out of my bed and sauntered over to the door opening it. I now faced Mumbo.

- What do you want -

I said looking fed-up with bags under my eyes even though I had slept. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I sounded a bit sick from my blocked nose.

- I'm sorry it's just... Iskall has gone mad thanks to -

- Me? Yeah I know Mumbo, don't remind me -

I cut in, I just wanted to slam the door on his ace but I couldn't because he put his foot in the doorway as a precaution

- yes but... he's gone even more insane considering you've left and keeps threatening me and it's just -

He groaned and covered his face

- it's just not him -

He finished looking down at me looking annoyed. I just turned around and walked away from Him. I went into my room and got changed into my usual clothes. I fixed my hair and walked back to the door and sighed.

- where is he then? -

(1109 words)

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