Chapter 4 - More Drama?

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After Grian had gone to Scar's home he headed back to his house, smiling from ear to ear. No one had seen him this happy apart from Mumbo. He felt excited about making a new friend but still had a little sneaky feeling that it would be his worst mistake.

When he got home he headed down into his secret basement to put his chicken costume on. It was like a whole new identity, people would call him Poultry man. He would always have fun as Poultry man. Grian went to a chest in his basement and grabbed tons of eggs. This chest was just below an egg farm so it was always getting stocked up. He grabbed lots of stacks of eggs and flew out his basement, making sure to cover it up afterwards so no one would find it and he flew straight to the shopping district.

Once he flew over he was looking for targets, people. Anyone that he could find to chuck eggs at. If you spotted Grian in the shopping district you would always be careful that you weren't bombed by eggs.

Grian flew around for an hour or two chucking eggs at people for a laugh, everyone found it quite funny and helped them relax after a long day with the surprise egg attacks. Grian would always clean up after himself and the other hermits don't mind helping as seen as it was all fun and games. Grian decided to attack one more person before packing in. He found a new oblivious person and started to chuck eggs while laughing. He flew closer to get better aim, he chucked a couple eggs before the person turned around and Grian stopped instantly.

- You stupid bird, I was heading to a meeting!! -

Iskall yelled. He looked fed up and exhausted, it was obvious he wasn't sleeping enough if at all. He looked like he was about to attack the parrot boy. With the angry look on his face and his hands in fists, his knuckles white. Grian just floated there, staring at the 6ft man. Grian felt extremely bad and just realised that Iskall was now covered in egg yolks before a... meeting? Did him and Mumbo plan a meeting... without him? Yes they were all CEO's but, Grian had invited them, it was his idea after all. Grian, now feeling extremely angry chucked an egg smack bang right in the middle of Iskall's face.

- You shit!! I told you I was heading to a meeting, you pesky bird!! -

Iskall was even angrier than before hand. He was swinging his fists while power-walking over to the small parrot. Grian, knowing this was a great time to leave flew away while giggling. Yes he was angry at Mumbo and Iskall but seeing Iskall's face after chucking that egg at him was worth it so he flew back home and put his costume away. He had an idea so he had to act in it. He flew over to the shopping district and landed in front of the Sahara offices. He had decided to walk in on their meeting after listening in for a bit so that's what he did. He walked into the building and up the stairs, standing behind a wall listening in.

- Iskall I still think that's a horrible idea he barley did anything! -

- Mumbo he ruined days worth of work, I toned it down by saying only a day but we spent ages working on that -

- Iskall stop overreacting he's our friend! He didn't mean to, you should know better than get angry at him. This is probably why he didn't like talking at the start of the seaso- -

Grian decided he had enough of listening and just walked in. Iskall and Mumbo watched as the bird walked in.

- oh hi, didn't realise you guys where here -

Grian decided to reply like he was oblivious to the conversation he had just listened into.

- oh just talking about... sales -

- mhm yeah -

The two men was obviously guilty, even if Grian hadn't listened in he would tell something was up. The two taller men were acting so suspicious to the point were they weren't even looking at him.

- are you sure guys? You're acting extremely suspicious -

Grian bluntly said, confronting the redstoners. He decided just to shake his head in disappointment before leaving without another word, tears slowly falling down his face. He never realised how much the men meant to him, they were his first friends and now they hated him. He slowly sped up until he was out the building and flying back to his base.

Once he got home he ran back to his bedroom crying, today had been too much for him. Yes he had enjoyed himself but knowing that Iskall wanted him out the architects made it end on a low note, the lowest low note you can find. He laid there sobbing, he had decided to get changed into his orange tabby onesie while hugging an Egyptian Mau plushie which he called Pearl, after his sister. He had another one which he called Maui which was a Bronze version. He loved cats to put it lightly. Yes cats hunt birds but he didn't care, they were soft, cute and sometimes cuddly animals.

After sobbing for a bit he heard a knock on the door. He walked downstairs to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was a black cloaked figure with bright purple eyes and 2 halos that crossed over the centre of the face. The cloak had a golden trim as it stood there floating.

- Xequla it's time to come home, your family is here -

The floating creature slowly floated right while extending his left hand to show Grian's family. His mother, father and sister where all standing there. Staring at him. It was obvious this was a trap. The world surrounding them was pure black so Grian just shut the door before they could say anything.

Bang bang bang

The door went again

Bang bang bang

It was obvious it was a trap

Bang bang bang

Grian had suddenly snapped back to reality. He was standing at the door which was shut, holding the door handle. He opened the door once more to see the angry Swedish man and the nervous moustache man staring down at him.

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