Chapter 12 - Enjoying life (Kinda)

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Grians POV

- I gave you a day break Xelqua, is that enough for you to at least consider coming home? -

I froze staring back at the watcher know as All, All-Controlling that was. It would never give me a break. I only joined them thinking they were good, now I'm stuck with them.

- No, let me have my reality back. The one with the Hermits, not this one. -

- None of them like you Xelqua. If Scar of the GoodTime liked you he wouldn't have called you a friend. Don't you forget he and his no good brother are Vexlings, they are evil creatures. -

Tears slowly ran down my face. They did like me, All must be lying, right? All had lied to me multiple times but yes, for once it had a good point. If Scar did like me how I like him then he wouldn't have called me a friend. There is a possibility he's covering up because of Cubs comment from earlier but still. My face was covered in tears because of all of this now.

- Xelqua, are you going to come home? -

- Can you give me until tomorrow night? I just need some time alone... to think. -

- Only until tomorrow night, then I'll get your final decision. Good luck Xelqua. -

The darkness slowly faded away showing a worried Scar and Cub. Cub looked concerned and worried but was observing from a far. Scar had a hand on my shoulder, the other cupping my cheek.

- You ok Gri? Your eyes went purple and tears started racing down your face -

Scar asked me, concerned.

Knock Knock Knock

I jumped and climbed onto Scar. Cub noticing this walked over and opened the door revealing TFC. They mumbled something to each other before TFC walked up to me, getting down to my height.

- G, if you don't tell them I will. I know you're scared to say but they're here for you, like me. -

Cub had shut the door leaning against a nearby wall observing the conversation. I nodded in agreement with TFC before turning, letting go of Scar. I took a deep breath before explaining how I was a watcher.

After explaining to them everything TFC proceeded to explain what to do if one of these episodes came over me. I was lucky enough to have him know all of this, I would be utterly screwed if I had to do this by myself. TFC explained everything and Cub piped in.

- Wouldn't it be best if one of us stuck with him as a cautionary procedure? -

- Considering it was just me beforehand I never thought of that but yes that's a good idea Cub. Gri, would you be ok with this? -

TFC politely replied, asking if I was alright with this, not wanting me to get scared considering how jump I have been recently. I nodded in agreement.

- As long as it's fine with all of you the sure. -

I was scared i was going to interfere with their schedules with all of this but then Scar spoke.

- I can make sure he's ok, look after him per se. I am his neighbour after all. -

Scar had a good point but he was one of the busiest Hermits here. If not the busiest Hermit to ever exist. He was the one to volunteer though so I guess he was fine with it, it made me blush knowing he cared so much to want to look after me, good boyfriend material. Wait what am I thinking, we're just friends.

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