Chapter 19 - The Future

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3rd Person POV (Overworld)

8 Months Later

- Grian! -

Grian turned his head to see his beautiful boyfriend walking towards him. Grian smiled at how cute he looked. They were getting ready for the annual celebration for the server, everyone was getting ready for 7pm that night, it was around 6:30 and Grian was just finishing off his accessories. 

- You look stunning Scar -

Scar blushed at the comment. He was wearing a long steampunk tails coat with a white blouse underneath. He was wearing plain black pants (trousers) with some black dress shoes. His hair was slightly swooped to the left of you were looking at him but still a bit messy. He had multiple necklaces one being a feather from Grian's wings with a gold sliver chain that made it a necklace. His ears having tons of mystical earrings on. Grian was wearing a floaty red dress with silver patterns. His recently healed wings on display for everyone to see. His ears had some silver timer earrings in. He had a white black cardigan to put on if he got too cold. He was just covering his mark when Scar walked in all ready. His hair tied up into a bun, he would pass as a female any day of the week looking like that. He had some black eyeliner on just for the fun of it.

- Speak for yourself, you really suit that dress Gri -

Grian nodded, smiling as a thank you. Grian turned around, his back facing Scar.

- Can you gently zip the back of the dress up, I couldn't reach because of my wings -

Grian giggled. Scar gently walking forwards, placing a hand on Grian's back to help zipping the back of the dress up. The zip flowed swiftly up, not getting caught on any of the silk fabric which the dress was made out of. Scar placed one hand on one of Grian's shoulders the other on the other shoulder. He gently kissed Grian's head, shutting his eyes as he cherished this moment.

- You ready my beautiful boy? -

He whispered in Grian's ear. Grian turned his head capturing Scars lips for only a couple of moments.

- Yes I am, i am ready for this-

Grian and Scar locked hands as they walked out the house. Peaceful walking to the venue under the bright stars and moon.

- Do you think your sister is watching us? Looking after us?  -

Scar asked, he missed Pearl to put it bluntly. She had saved his boyfriends life and she seemed like a lovely person even if they only spoke once or twice. He hoped to see her soon. Grian nodded.

- Yes, she'll always be watching over me, she promised and knowing Pearl she'd never break that. I can try get her to see us at some point -

Grian smiled softly while speaking, he was happy. Happy that he knew his sister was here, he could feel her presence. Scar nodded as an understanding as they slowly walked up to the party decorated area were every other hermit is.

- Hey guys, glad you could make it!! Your wings also look stunning Grian -

Xisuma complimented Grian. His eyes shined through his purple tinted helmet.

- It's Grians first one so why would we miss it!? -

Scar chuckled, Xisuma joining in. Grian giggled slightly, not really understanding before walking off to interact with the other hermits. He talked to Mumbo and Iskall, them both complimenting him on his dress. Grian explicitly told Mumbo how thankful he was to have ever met him and that he had helped him that time ago. He then walked over to Cub, thanking him for everything that he had done to help. A couple hours later a voice could be heard.

- Can everyone meet at the pedestal now! -

Xisumas voice could be heard. Everyone walked over, finishing their conversations as they walked over. Grian finding his way back to Cub and Scar. Scar wrapped his arm around Grian's shoulders as Xisuma started his speech.

- This year has been a nice year for some, a nightmare for others. A big congrats to Grian as his wings have fully healed from his sad adventures. Another congrats for you and Scar, we all know -

Everyone laughed as Grian and Scar turned beet red. They didn't expect Xisuma to announce it infront of everyone.

- Anyway -

He continued his speech talking about the achievements they had achieved and how much fun the server had brought to them. Xisuma finished his speech before taking a big breath.

- Is everyone ready? Ready for a new beginning? -

Xisuma called out. A burst of celebrations could be heard from all around the couple. Scar turned to Grian.

- I'll love you for eternity my dear, and I'm sorry for everything that happened 8 months ago -

They shared a small laugh.

- I'll love you forever too Scar, ill never forget you and everything you have done for me -

Grian meant that, Scar would loose some of his memories when Grian wouldn't. He was a watcher after all, a free one but still one nonetheless. They shared a kiss, their lips softly touching each other as Xisuma whacked a button on the ground. The whole world starting to fade around them, they got out the kiss looking into each others eyes, Scars eyes sparkling and Grian's eyes glowed. They hugged closely until everything had faded away...

(891 words, It's over that's the final proper chapter, I will post one last one of just my thank you and more from me, myself. Its slightly rushed but its just how I wanted it to end, just less detailed. I hope you enjoyed this story and maybe I'll see you in my thank you or even the future   ~ your writer Sculk)

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