Chapter 14 - Experiences

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Just a warning, they shortly make out. Thank you again.

3 Months Later

Grians POV


I yelled chasing after him, he was taking me somewhere secretive. I don't know where.

- Hurry up Gri!! -

I could hear him yell. Then he tripped up.

- Oawhh -

- Scar! -

I started to laugh while rushing over to Scar who was lying on the floor laughing. I kneeled next to him, helping up into a sitting position, wiping some mud off his face.

- You look so stupid -

I laughed kissing him softly. I then stood up helping him up as well, with some struggle but I helped.

- Come on Gri -

He grabbed my hand pulling me to the top of a hill, covering my eyes with his soft hand.

- You ready? -

- Ready for what Scar? What's happening -

I could hear him giggle, it was so cute so I shut myself up, nodding softly. He took his hand away showing a red and white plaid blanket laid out on the floor, a basket of fruit, sandwiches, and cakes is set onto of it.

- Scar you didn't have to do this -

I looked up at him.

- But I did have to, I love you and wanted to share the meteor shower with you! -

He said smiling down at me, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He looked so cute and elegant.

- Thank you Scar -

I whispered under my breath.

- Thank me later, come sit -

I walked over with him sitting down on the plaid blanket. I look at him, he's staring back at me. He lifts my chin and meteors fly past in the sky.

- it's beautiful.. -

I feel him kiss my head, pulling me closer to him. I lean against him, enjoying the moment.

- Pumpkin? -

I giggle at the nickname.

- Yes Scar? -

I look up at him with glistening eyes.

- I just wanted to ask you a question -

I look up confused.

- What is it Scar? -

Curios, I continue to stare into his eyes.

- Why are you a... Watcher? -

I laugh and then realise he's serious.

- Oh, well.. -

- it's OK if you don't want to share, i'm just curios, that's all -

I nod, pulling his chin down staring straight into his eyes, slight blush creeping up my face.

- I'll tell you later, right now I just want to enjoy the night and my view -

I stare into his eyes, kissing his lips. He kisses back, pushing me over with ease. I wrap my arms around his neck as he bites my bottom lip playfully. I gasp as his lips brush against my neck.

- Can I? -

He asks, looking up at me. I nod. He bites my neck, making me gasp. I feel his hand move to comb my hair with his fingers as he continues to bite and suck my neck. He takes a break to breathe, staring down at me smiling. His smile is so contagious so I smile back before capturing his lips. He licks my lips, asking for access so I give him it. His tongue darts into my mouth, exploring every inch of it until it reaches my tongue. Our tongues intwine with each other before he pulls away, a strand of saliva still connecting us together until it snaps. I wipe my face blushing up at him with a soft smile on my face.

- I love you Scar -

I say, I meant it with my whole heart.

- Birdy, you know I love you too -

Scar says smiling at me. I sit up facing him, looking it his emerald eyes blushing.

- Gri, I think we should have the food soon -

He laughs and I join in.

- yeah we should probably. -

He hands me some French toast. He knows me too well. We eat and drink nearly everything before packing up. We start walking back before he asks me another question.

- I think I'm ready to tell the other Hermits, about us and all -

I look at him in slight shock but smiling.

- That's great!! If you're 100% sure you want to tell them then go for it. If you're ready I'm ready. -

He smiles at me.

- Yeah I ready. -

~ The next day ~

I wake up to a knocking at my door, I hadn't had any nightmares or episodes since Scar had confessed to me but who was knocking at my door? I walk to my door in Scars jumper which I had kept, opening the door.

- Hey Grian!! Long time no see -

It was Mumbo and Iskall.

- Why are you knocking at 7am, appreciate the gesture but still -

I look up at them.

- Grian it's 9am -

The green man utters.

- 9AM!! Oh my lord, my alarm didn't go off -

- Grian be serious when does your alarm go off at the proper time? -

- Shut up -

I push the black moustached man but he doesn't flinch. He's overdramatic though.

- Owwww Iskall catch me, it hurts sooooo badly -

He flops into Iskall who's just laughing. He looked a lot happier since I brought him along to games night. He doesn't catch Mumbo though so he just falls to the floor, me and Iskall doubling over to the sight.

- Now that hurt -

Mumbo mutters, rubbing his head from the impact.

- Good, anyway I better dressed considering you know -

I gesture at my outfit.

- Isn't that Sca- -

Iskall starts to say before I cut him off.


I slam the door before rushing off to get changed into my usual, a red jumper with grey trousers and my rounded spectacles. I rush back to the front door opening it, Mumbo is finger combing his hair again making sure it looks neat while Iskall I'd just chuckling.

- I'm ready for the meeting. -

I say grinning at myself

- You look like an idiot so let's go -

Iskall says poking my ribs making me yell at him. He and Mumbo interlock arms before skipping off like little girls. I laugh at their stupidity before following them to Sahara, for the "productive" meeting. I wonder when Scar is going to tell everyone.

(1008 words, definitely didn't write this in 2 hours because I post on sundays. Love ya and hope you enjoyed)

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