Chapter 8 ~ Oh God

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Grians POV

I hated yesterday, I hated it. Iskall was being so.. shitty. At least he tried to apologise, I hope Xisuma has sorted him out. I was still in my onesie, not wanting to take it off. For the day I decided I was going to be lazy and stay in my house, I didn't want to see anyone.

I walked downstairs to my kitchen, making some French bread to eat, I didn't change. I sit down on my red couch and eat my French toast. I hear a knock on my door but I stayed silent I didn't want to answer it. 

- Grian please answer the door, I know you're here -

It was Xisuma, what would he want. Maybe it was an update on Iskall.

- come in -

I mumble, Xisuma walking straight in. 

- Hey G, I've talked to Iskall. He is suspended from Sahara for a month an- are you alright? -

He finally noticed how I looked, not wearing proper clothes and having bags under my eyes which were also red and puffy. I had barley gotten any sleep from crying.

- yeah I'm fine, could be better though. Continue though -

I said honestly, I didn't want Xisuma to worry about me. I was already worrying about everything and would hate if he started to worry about.

- G I think you should sleep, just saying Iskall won't be on your tail anymore. He was jealous of you and Mumbo's friendship, that's all. -

I nodded in reply, finishing off my French toast.

- K thanks, you can go now -

I said rudely, not wanting Xisuma to stay for any longer. I just wanted to stay home with no one bothering me, but obviously that was to hard.

- Grian I know it's been difficult but you don't have to be so rude about it. I've helped you by getting Iskall off of you for the next month. Is this really how you repay me? -

I could hear the hurt in his voice, I was being rude which was unnecessary but I just wanted to be alone. He was stopping me from that goal at that moment. I wiped my face from the French toast and looked up at the admin. I could see his eyes through his helmet, a tear fell down from his tear duct. I suddenly felt extremely guilty and started to cry.

- i-i'm sorry X it's just.. everything has be-en terrible recently and i-I've shoved all my friends a-away for their ow-n safety -

I sobbed wiping my eyes with my knuckles, Xisuma rubbed my back reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. 


<Can you come over? I don't feel like going out.>

<Sure Bud, I'll be over in 5 minutes.>


TFC replied quickly and was over in 4 minutes.

Knock Knock Knock

I walked over to the door flinging it open and flopping into TFC hugging him tight.

- woah slow down, let's shut this door first -

TFC said, shuffling in, the parrot boy still clinging to him. He shut the door before letting the embrace happen. He hugged the small man back. Hushing him as he wept. He let Grian hug him for another 6 minutes before letting go and walking over to the couch, patting the spot next to him.

- now tell me what's happened -

I proceeded to explain through sobs and whispers what had happened, TFC listened not interrupting once. I sighed before explaining the mark on my neck which I usually cover up. It was my Watchers mark... I had to explain it so he would understand my nightmares I've been having. He was the first one I told out of the whole server. I also had to explain how I pushed every one of my friends away, or well tried. He reassured me everything would be fine like what Xisuma had done earlier and I couldn't deal with it again. I snapped at TFC again, yelling about how he doesn't understand what I've been through and how he wouldn't be able to understand with how "dumb" he is. I instantly regretted it cover my mouth and running out of my own house crying. I knew exactly where I was going to go.

I flew over bases and shops until I reached Iskalls base. He was the only one who could possibly understand. Yes he hated me but it was going to be my best shot.


My communicator had gone off. It was TFC, he was telling the server that I wasn't be my usual self and to watch out. I put my communicator away sighing before looking up at the door before me and knocking.

Knock Knock Knock

- Who is it? -

I heard Iskall yell from inside. I gulped before hastily replying.

- It's me... Grian, can we.. Talk? -

I replied with, terrified of what he might say. He could lash out at me again for all I know.

- Come in then -

I hear him say back. I carefully open the door, shaking slightly before shutting the door behind me. It was probably the 2nd time I had been inside his base. It looked so beautiful. My mouth fell open in awe as I walked further in, all my worries disappearing until I saw Iskall again.

- Gri, you know X doesn't want me to see you right? I could get in serious trouble for this. What is it then? -

He looked worried but reassuring for some odd reason.

- I just wanted to apologise for this mess, I will also take any punishment Xisuma gives you considering I came here not the other way round. As well as I just wanted to chat, like the good times. -

Iskall's eyes had widened, did I say something wrong? The big green boy put the stuff he was holding does before walking over to me. I took a couple steps back, scared. He hugged me though, picking me up as he hugged tighter.

- No need to apologise but sure we can talk -

He loosened his grip on me, carefully placing me down before leading me to his living room to where we spoke for the rest of the day.

(1029, sorry I haven't updated in 5ish days, I just haven't had any motivation. More coming soon)

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