Chapter 5 - Uh Oh

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Bang bang bang

Grian had suddenly snapped back to reality. He was standing at the door which was shut, holding the door handle. He opened the door once more to see the angry Swedish man and the nervous moustache man staring down at him.

A/N - Just quickly I wanted to add that I know I said it was Scarian esk, trust me it will be but right now it's very Grumbo but once this passes it will be Scarian.

- uh oh -

That was all he got out before Iskall started yelling at Grian again. Mumbo looked like he had been dragged over considering how nervous he looked. Grian just stood there at his door taking it all in. He had been yelled at multiple times before, only this time it was his friends that he had trusted. He just stood there, taking everything in. Iskall just kept yelling ignoring Mumbo who was trying to pull Iskall away by the shoulder. Mumbo just looked at the small parrot boy who was just standing there. He was wearing his Tabby onesie which Mumbo had bought him. He was also holding a cat plushie. Grian looked liked he had already cried so much, no wonder he wasn't crying now. Mumbo just stared at the small man, looking guilty and had that sorry look on his face. Once Iskall had stopped yelling at Grian, Grian just stood there before saying.

- It was an accident, and I'm sorry. I will leave the architects if you want me to -

And with that Grian had shut the door on them again. Mumbo looked worried, more than he should've considering Iskall had turned to face him.

- So do you want to join him or not? -

Iskall exclaimed. The slime man looked tired which Mumbo knew considering he knew Iskall hasn't slept in 2-3 days.

- nope I'm fine -

Mumbo whispered. Once he was away from this madman he decided he would come back to apologize.

Once Grian had shut the door on them he felt tears bubble up in his eyes. He heard Iskall say something to Mumbo but the door had blocked most of it out from the thick dark oak wood. All he heard was "Join, Not?" It was definitely not the whole thing but it was all he heard. He had heard enough though. He decided he was going to leave the architects and just go solo. It was the best decision for him to make. There was no going back.

The next morning he woke up and put some makeup on his neck to cover up his mark before getting dressed and heading straight to Sahara HQ. The night before he had written a letter to put on the meeting table.

To/ Mumbo + Iskall

I want to apologize for my actions but obviously you have just had enough of my shenanigans so I've decided to leave the Architects and Sahara as a whole. It will be the best for all of us.

~ A silly spoon, Grian

P.S I'm taking my chair

Quick switch to Grian POV

And with that singular letter I headed into the HQ and up to the meeting room. I gently placed the letter on the table before destroying my chair and leaving the room. I decided id also take everything else that was mine, so most of the materials considering I got it for them. I was leaving the building with shulker boxes in my arms when I saw Mumbo. He looked upset as he saw me leaving the HQ with boxes, I could see tears roll down his cheek as I shook my head and flew off. I was sick of these mind games. I trust Scar and Cub more than them and I had only met Scar once and Cub never. I was flying back home when I spotted a certain pirate man wearing a green sweater stocking shops up. I instantly knew who it was and flew down to say hi.

- Hi Scar!! -

I half yelled, making the the tall pirate jump

- Gahh!! Where did you come from!! -

The frightened pirate yelled. I just giggled at his reaction. He just stared down at me going slightly red.

- I came from behind, I just left... Sahara -

It suddenly felt so real. I had just left the company that I had spent days and  working on. I looked down slightly as tears welled up in my eyes. I took a deep breath and looked back up, hiding the tears that came so close to falling.

- oh, is everything alright? I'm here for you if you ever need to talk about it -

The pirate man offered, crouching down slightly while lifting Grian's chin slightly so it would face him. Tears started to run down my face and I dropped everything, tackling Scar in a hug. I really needed that. Scar just stood there hugging me back while stroking my head in an effort to comfort me. I don't know what had came over me. Everything suddenly crumbled right there, everything. It didn't feel right hugging a person who I considered as a business rival up till yesterday, but it felt so right. He was comforting me so easily gently hushing me every now and again saying how everything will be ok in the end. His voice was so soft and gentle, like it was when I first met him. He was so... Nice.

I sobbed there for a couple minutes before slowly pulling away and wiping my eyes.

- S-sorry it kind of just h-hit me -

- Shh everything is going to be ok in the end, don't apologise. It isn't your fault is it? You were just... Testing it. Making sure they were up to speed in the first place -

Scar had placed his hands on his hips while saying it which made me giggle. Scar soon started to laugh with me making me feel a lot better. Then Cub appeared out of the blue.

- Whatcha laughing bout? -

The scientist said looking confused.

- Oh nothing Cub, you won't understand -

Scar replied with and then instantly regretting it

- Scar I understand a lot of things which you're not caple of understanding, so I think I will. Unless it's one of those things that is quite private that you're trying to cover up -

Scar quickly grabbed Cubs back, pushing him away.

- Sorry again that G, Talk later? -

Scar replied with, still smiling and laughing.

- Yeah talk later Scar -

I giggled as I waved a goodbye. Scar seemed to be having a go at Cub as they walked off but it seemed like a... Friend way sort of joke. I could hear them laugh and Cub bellow out an ever louder laugh as they faded into the distance. I suddenly felt upset so I flew back home and hopped into my PJs to then lie in bed and do nothing.

As I walked off with Cub I complained that he ruined the moment and how he was correct with the personal thing. Cub just laughed which made me laugh too. He had such a contagious laugh.

- Why did I do that. -

It had suddenly hit me that I had grabbed Grian's chin and moved it up to face me.

- That seemed so.. weird. It felt so, romantic. I couldn't be falling for him. He's my Business riv- oh, he isn't. It's still weird. I shouldn't be thinking about this -

To get things off my mind I just chatted on the way home, I didn't like how he kept laughing harder and louder when I repeated that he ruined the moment so I suddenly said goodbye and flew home to sort some stuff out.

(1281 words)

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