Chapter 18 - (Part 3 😶)

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3rd Person POV (Overworld)

A quick summary of Part 2.

In the watcher dimension Grian and Pearl have been found out about talking to Scar and Cub previously that day. Grian got punished by getting his wings... His sister being overprotective grabbed their "Friend" Martyn and teleported to an abandoned server, Grians limp body over her shoulder.

In the overworld Scar, Xisuma and Iskall have just found out Mumbo is a Listener. Iskall runs out upset and angry, Xisuma leaves to talk to him as Scar is just happy considering they could get Grian out with hopefully no consequences. X and Iskall walk back in while Xisuma explains the game plan. Xisuma specifically tells Scar not to join them as he is a danger while Mumbo opens a portal. Scar joins them sneakily but not so sneakily.

They all meet in the same abandoned world. The Watchers side hiding in a cave as the Overworld side enter. The overworld side enter the cave and as a act of Panic Pearl teleports her and Grian away.

Part 3

With Pearl and Grian.

Grian yelled in pain as Pearl violently grabbed him teleporting them away. She had teleported them to a beautiful lush plains, flowers littering the area. The moon shining brightly as she carefully placed him against a tree.

- Pearl what was that! It real- Gah! -

- I'm sorry Grian, I panicked -

Pearl spoke softly before rushing off to grab some wool that was spread out across the floor from nearby sheep. Running back she put it where his wings used to be, it soaking all the blood up while being softer and comfier than the hard tree.

- Is that better? -

She asked concerned. She was worried for him. His wings would take ages to grow back.

- Yes but... why did you teleport me away, they were my friends Pearl -

Tears started to fall. He missed his friends dearly and wanted to be with them again.

- It was out of instinct, I thought they were Watchers or even worse, Listeners. I thought they where here to kill you or me. I didn't want u to die after all... this -

She circled her wrists at his back. She didn't want to mention it because she knew her brother loved his wings.

- Why did you take the punishment, I could've -

- Pearl, you've already been through it once. Your wings have barley just grown back, I can't make them chop them off already -

He said, every now and again wincing to the pain from his new wing stubs.

- OK then, now go sleep ill stay up -

Pearl spoke. She wanted him to sleep after such a long day. Grian nodded before drifting off to sleep.

With the Cave Crew

- They just bloody left me -

Martyn said through gasps for air, brushing himself off as he slowly stood up.

- They just... went -

Scar said looking down in disappointment.

- Scar, this is why we told you not to come -

Xisuma softly spoke. Rubbing his back  as an act of comfort. Mumbo pulled out his sword pointing it at Martyn.

- Long time no see "Friend" -

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