Chapter 15 - The easy decision

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Grians POV

I was in a stupid Sahara meeting discussing stuff.

- Grian is that a Hickey? -

Iskall questioned, looking at the side of my neck. I blushed soon going red from embarrassment remembering yesterday.

- Shush -

I utter before getting distracted by the window behind Mumbo's chair. People where outside in a panicky huddle. Cub flew in through the only open part of the window.

- Grian, Its Scar. -

He hastily spoke. My eyes bulged, what was wrong with Scar. I stood up, stumbling from low iron following Cub while yelling.

- What's wrong with Scar, Cub? -

Cub just shook his head, speeding up as he went. Panicked thoughts rushed through my head, what happened, what... could've happened? Every bad conclusion was circling through my head at that exact moment. Cub sped up some more, me chasing him through the deep blue sky until we landed outside Scars house. It turned out the mob from earlier had followed us, including Mumbo and Iskall. Cub raced through the front door, me ever so closely following. We got to the bedroom which I remembered laying in, so soft, this time Scar laid limp in it, his eyes a bluey purple. I rushed to his side, climbing onto the bed for a closer look. Xisuma was doing some spells, Cub was shooing everyone away so it was just him, his brother, me and Xisuma.

- I found him like this this morning, when I came through for our daily routine -

Cub uttered, biting his nails. I had never seen him this worried before. Scar was his brother but, I didn't know they were this close.

- That was 6 hours ago Cub! God I think I know what's happened -

Xisuma stopped mid word and stared at me, his eyes looking like they might pop from the sockets. It most likely just hit him that I was a watcher, only Cub, TFC and Scar knew, what an idiot he must feel right now.

- You're one of them? -

Xisuma said under his breath. Silently nodding, I shut my eyes. I could change from one form to another with ease but always decided against it. I hated the memory of being a watcher, being one of the corrupt souls. In every situation my friend/s would get hurt. With the pent-up anger I had, I had managed to change form. My wings a deep purple which fades into a lighter purple at the tips. Dark dots scattered them, representing eyes. Two purple halos crossed each other making an X shape across my face, my eyes fully white. I wore a purple night gown looking thing, lined with a pure white felt. I looked different. Knowing I had just changed meant that soon it would be here.

- Grian you look completely different-

Cub hushed, obviously I looked different. I looked down at Scars limp body, proceeding to shut my eyes again only to open them in a black void.

- Xelqua why did you change, hm? Worried your little Vexling friend would get hurt? -

- You manipulative bitch, what have you done to him! He's limp and has that's stupid purple tinge in his eyes!! -

I screamed, I know its doing something to Scar, i just don't know what. Not yet anyway.

- So fierce, I'm so scared. He's in his place, where all Vexlings should go. -

Oh fuck.

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