Chapter 2 - Secret Payback

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~2 months later~
(I know huge jump)

Grian had managed to talk to most people on the server without having a panic attack. He managed to make tons of new friends thanks to him and his good friends new business idea - Sahara. Iskall and Mumbo warned him not to talk to CubFan135 or Cub and GoodTimeWithScar or Scar. He was told it's because they would be their business rivals considering they basically own the whole shopping district with ConCorp.

Grian was walking through the shopping district and saw another friend that he was getting close to. TinFoilChef or TFC. TFC was like the servers Dad besides from Xisuma. Grian instantly clicked to TFC, whenever Grian was annoyed or sad he would go straight to TFC for comfort. It sadly would happen quite a lot. One day Mumbo and Iskall were working on Sahara. They were trying to get the delivery system working and Grian didn't know what to do.

When the redstoners were taking a break, Grian decided to mess around and put a potato into the system. The whole thing broke which meant Mumbo and Iskall had to restart the whole thing. To say they were annoyed is an understatement, they where mad. They told Grian to leave while they worked on it, not trusting Grian to be near the redstone while they fix it.

- Get out! -

The Swedish man yelled at Grian while Mumbo just shook his head in disappointment.

- Get the hell out!! We spent hours on this and it's all wasted thanks to you!! -

The Swedish man yelled even more. Grian started to tear up as he yelled.

- Iskall, isn't that a bit... Much? -

Mumbo said trying to calm Iskall down making sure he didn't hurt Grian anymore but it was too late. Grian was already sprinting out of Sahara while screaming 'I'm sorry I'll stay away'. Tears rushed down his face as he sprinted out. He opened his communicator and opened TFC's contact asking if he was home.


<Are you Home??>

<Yes, why what's wrong?>

<No time, coming now>


TFC heard a bang as his door flew open. Grian ran in flying into TFC'S arms while crying. TFC looked extremely worried but told Grian to go sit down on the couch as he went over to the door to shut it, making sure his wall wasn't damaged. He then walked back over and sat next to Grian.

- What's happened then bud? -

TFC asked still looking worried

- I-I messed u-up. I broke S-Sahara -

TFC just hugged Grian, comforting him. He didn't like seeing the small parrot boy upset. He insisted that Iskall was overwhelmed by everything and got caught up in the moment. Grian slowly calmed down and TFC told him to go home and rest. Grian nodded and apologised. TFC said it was all good and with that Grian was on his way home.

When Grian got home he instantly flopped on his bed face first. He looked like a small teddy bear compared to the queen sized bed that he owned. The duvet was a deep blood red with white pillows. It looked majestical. Grian slowly rolled onto his back, laying there for 2 minutes before sitting up and getting changed into his cat onesie. It was an orange tabby cat and was slightly big on him but it was comfy and that's all that mattered to him. He climbed into the bed pulling the duvet over him and slept the rest of the day away.

~| Dream |~

- You're worthless Xelqua, you have never done anything right for us. You have failed us multiple times, you're lucky we let you stay in Hermitcraft. -

He could hear a random voice, it was only talking down to him.

- We have helped you so much and this is how you repay us weak -

~ 04:34 ~

Grian then suddenly woke up from the nightmare he was having. Cold sweat dripped down the back of his neck, he could feel every drop. He rubbed the back of his neck while slowly sitting up

- Not this again -

He mumbled, he looked tired from A. Having the nightmare
B. He had woken up at 04:34
He seemed sick of everything, first his close friends had gotten annoyed at him and now the nightmares again. He felt like he was getting bossed around by everyone. Having to stay away or build this or do that, whatever it was he was sick of it. He got up out of bed and walked over to a window, he peered right and saw the familiar pirate island that GoodTimeWithScar lived on. His eyes widened slightly as he grinned. He was getting reminded everyday by his good friends or business partners Mumbo and Iskall to never interact with Scar and Cub. What happens if he did? What could they do about it. Sahara was his idea not theirs. He asked them to join not the opposite way round. Now he was going to visit Scar and Cub. Nobody could stop him, he could do all of this, Mumbo and Iskall could be completely unaware of this interaction... Forever. That was it, Grian semi-ran over to his wardrobe and flung the doors open. He grabbed a red knitted jumper and some black trousers. He popped some red and white trainers on and messaged TFC.


< i'm going to visit Scar and Cub >

2 minutes later he replied

< Goodluck Gri, wish you luck >

< Thanks >


And with that Grian was off, 05:13. He was off to visit the people that he was told to never visit. ConCorp.

(935 Words)

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