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Ok so I've decided to keep the story after skimming through the other story (which by the way I guess I can somewhat see resemblance but still whatever) and just change some points and make the chapter longer but it's still the same plot and character just didn't setting and crap so I don't get flags for copy right (when I didn't even copy right). So with that said, ON TO THE STORY!!!

Runts POV

I laid in my cage along with all the other omegas as we waited for our 'training session' with the pack warriors.

You see 'training' isn't really training just us trying to dodge the pack warriors attacks while trying to beat them. But the problem is when you put three omegas who are the size of pups against over three hundred pack warriors it doesn't work out. And that's not all, we also have to do dog fights.

And the sad part, everyone enjoys watching or beating three tiny pups until they're almost dead. They don't do a thing. They sit there laughing at us like its our fault that's were tiny and pathetic like we are. It's not like we asked to be born this way, so sorry we were.

Oh I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm runt or that's what everyone calls me. I never really knew my parents or where I came from. Actually the other two omegas are the same.

When we're two months old, the alpha can tell if your going to be an omega or a normal wolf. After he finds that out, you're either free to live your life how you want or (if your an omega like me) you are held in a room where your left alone except for when they bring food until you shift. After that your put in these cages for the rest of your life or until the alpha sells you off to dog fighting or a breeding center. And that's what going to happen to us some day. That's what I'm afraid of the most. If your not big enough to fight, you'll be used as a breeder and I don't want that. I'm too young! I think?

I don't really know how old I am. It's sorta hard to keep track of time when your locked in a cage or knocked out for a few days. But all I know is that someone's coming over in a few days to come judge us and see if they want us for fighting and breeding. That also why the alpha is making us train a lot more so we can get use to it.

And to make matters worse, he bought fighting dogs and we're going to have to fight them soon. Actually make that now.

Oh gods I'm done for!  There's huge! They expect me to fight those and live. Well I would just like to say that I'm happy I got to live this long and-

I got cut off from my thoughts when I was thrown out of my cage and onto the dirt, blood stained, ground. I looked to my side while slowly crouching to see the other two omegas are here to. Well at least I don't have to fight them alone. Well maybe I will.

They just took off running. Wait why are they running?

I got my answer when I felt a giant drop of drool drop on my head and a growl.

Ohhhh. That's why. I should run too. And with that I took off running after them but one can only go so far on tiny baby legs and a very bad respiratory system.

Haha. That's a story for another time. Anyways, with my absolutely awesome luck(note the sarcasm) I tripped over a rock and feel down sprawling all over the ground for a second before teeth ripped into my hide and I started to get shaken. Wow my brain is bouncing everywhere now. Thanks a lot giant dog.

Soon the others caught up and the four of them started fighting over me. I started whining and shaking. Scared out of my mind. Are all the packs like this? Yes. At least that what's the alpha said after the older omegas, the ones who used to be here but got taken away by another pack, got curious. And he also said that packs often fight for omegas so they can have slaves or punching bags. In fact, the alpha said we have it easy and that in other packs, if you mess up just once, you where killed so I was thankful to be in this pack even though we still get beaten and stuff.

Anyways back to the cruel outside world. I am currently being the tug of war ripe for four dogs and man does it hurt.

And the stupid alpha just stands to the side smirking and watching, no enjoying my suffering. Ya that's it. Hey is it me or is everything spinning. Wait haha no its just me. Yay. Hello darkness my old friend, I thought before I blacked out.

When I woke up I found I was back in my cage with my, well, my everything hurting. I wonder how long I've been out. Maybe a few hours, days, weeks? I don't know.

I huffed before siting up very painfully. Well then. I looked up to see its about noon. Yay now that I'm awake it's time fore more training.

I lay back down closing my eyes determined to get a few more moments of peace before I have to fight.

A little while later I here someone start walking over and I can't help or stop my shaking. Well dang now there going to know I'm awake poo. Anyways I might as well stop pretending then. I opened my eyes and started to slowly scoot to the back of my cage whimpering when the alpha and a strange man I've never seen before kept walking closer.

"Ah. Is this the last omega. She's seems smaller then the last too." The strange man said. He was wearing a giant, what were those called oh ya, hat on his head and had a weird mustache and was wearing a circle glass thingy on one eye with a chain on it. He was also wearing dress shoes and a suit. How cliche.

"Yes well she is younger then them by a few years. She's only 10. So she can't be sold for another couple years." Wait I'm ten. Wow. I'm young. But then how come I feel so old.

"Ok. Well then I'll be back in a few years. Hold her for me. She looks like she'll end up as a breeder. She'll make some beautiful pups. I just can't wait to sink my-" started the creepy man.

"Ok Travis that's enough. I'll give you her when she comes of age but it'll cost you extra. After all, she precious cargo if you get what I mean." The alpha interrupted before starting to laugh leading him away.

Oh no. A breeder. A couple years. Come of age. What?

I don't want any of this. Why did I have to be a stupid omega anyway! I never asked for this! I snarled and growled silently to myself.

I only have a couple years?

Hey guys I know that took forever but I did sort of have to rewrite a ton of crap as u can tell but I did it and I swear I'll have one up in the next week or else u can hunt me down and yell at me( don't actually do that please it would be scary.)

Fan: *knocks on door*

Me: hello

Fan: where's the next update u said it would be here now I'm gunna-

Me:*slams door in face* well then time to use those fake IDs and passports and escape to a tropical island.

That's sorta how it would go anywho hope u guys like I know it's not the best but I'm trying to make them longer and better trust me. I'll have it done soon and this story will be ten times better then before. But it would mean a lot is u vote for the story it's tells me u guys want more and r liking the story.

Questions will be answered and don't spoil anything for those who haven't read pls.

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