Chapter 19

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Zoeys POV

All I remember is hearing gasps and the sound of tearing flesh with screams to go with. I had no idea what was going on, and it terrified me. For all I know, the rouges could be tearing away at my new pack while I'm lying here as a useless lump of fur.

Finally, after the screaming and cry's of pain had stopped, my senses stared coming back. First was smell, with a bloody sent filling my nose, next was my sense of touch. I could feel that I was standing up, but it felt different some how. And finally, I got my vision back. The first thing I see is the mangled bodies of rouges and how everyone is looking at me in shock. The next thing I notice is that I'm father away from the ground then I use to be. But I know for a fact I'm not in my human form anymore considering that I have paws now. I guess I must have shifter at some point and moved when I lost my senses.

"My god Zoey! Your huge! Maybe even bigger than Noble! I think, I think this might be your power. Zoey could you think of yourself smaller, like how small you where before?" Holly questioned. Slightly confused and slightly shocked, I did as she said and noticed the ground grow closer. No, it wasn't the fact that the ground grew closer, but that I shrunk towards it! Gaining excitement I yelped and started wagging my tail. Everyone got out of their shock and started laughing.

"Wait till Noble hears about this. In the mean time I suggest-" Holly was suddenly cut off when one of the warriors in our pack yelled through the pack link.

"NOBLE!" This made everyone stand still. Not knowing if it was good or bad, and not wanting to wait to find out, I took off out the open doors of the cellar.

"Zoey! Your not allowed to leave, Alpha Noble have us instructions!" Holly said panicking. Sorry Holly, I don't know why but the thought of Noble being introuble has my heart hurting. I feel the need to help so that's just what I'll do.

Quickly picking up his scent, I followed it while shifting into my newly acquired form. I'm gunna call it my mega wolf form. Wait no, focus Zoey!

Shaking my head I picked up the pace and soon arrived at the battle scene. What I found wasn't what I was expecting. Dead bodies payed every where and I could help but see a few were from our pack. Continuing to look around I soon found Alpha Noble fighting, and losing to my old Alpha and Beta. Getting extremely mad for some reason, I charged towards them, hoping to make it in time before that finishing blow came. Pushing myself to go as fast as I can, I jumped on the my old Alpha, bringing him down and rolling with him.

When I get back up, I see all three looking at me with shock and surprise. I guess they didn't expect me or maybe it was my size. Oh well.

Clearing my thoughts, I focused on the three wolves around me before slowly making my way over to Alpha Noble and bending down to nuzzle his face, feeling shocks run where we touched.

Mate. A voice in my head said. I guess that explains why I feel the way I do.

I step back and look him in the eyes before quickly turning back around to face the other two wolves who seem to have gotten over their shock.

Zoey, is that you? A timid voice asks in my head. I just simply nodded and crouched getting ready to spring at the Beta.

I'm not going to question this right now and ignore the fact that you disobeyed me. Now let's take these two down mate. Alpha No- no just Noble, said in my head, getting up and crouching next to me.

Together we lunged at the two wolves in front of us, sadly not taking them by surprise. I guess they were expecting us. Well then, we'll just have to fight harder.

Together me and Noble were a force to be reckon with. We some how got separated during the fight and we're now just taking down rouges and member of the Bloodsky pack. Not to mention the council had join us shortly after I arrived, helping with taking down the enemies. Soon I loose my self in battle, ripping out a throat here, and clawing a stomach there. Anything I could get my claws on I did. Shredding their coat to pieces and effectively killing them.

It was when there were only two wolves left, the Alpha and Beta, that I finally started paying attention. I wanted to see these to fall the most. I wanted to watch them die in the most painful way possible. After all they've done to me, after all the abuse, the words, the starvation, I just wanted to see them fall. And knowing I had the power to help made it all the better. I wanted to be the one to kill the Alpha, I want to sink my teeth deep into his neck and watch as the light in his disgusting pale, sickly eyes die.

Finally losing the fight with my wolf, I let her take control, charging at the Alpha while Nobles wolf charged at the Beta. He knew the Alpha was mine. Lunging I managed to get a good hold on his weak bodies neck and bit hard. I could taste his blood flowing into my mouth, the gurgled whines and whimpers coming from him, and the way his eyes are slowly losing their light.

Finally, after years, he's getting what he deserves. No, he deserves more, but I know he'll go straight to hell.

I stood there for awhile, even after he was already dead, crushing his throat and remembering all the pain I went through. It was when Noble came over and nudged my throat that I let him fall. It was then when I felt all the adrenaline leave my body and me collapsing. I felt my form shift back into it tiny form and noticed Noble shifting back into his human form.

"I'm so fucking proud of you right now. You did it baby. You killed your demons and found your proper place in the pack. Right by my side as Luna." Noble whispered, softly picking me up and hugging me. Feeling a strong urge to hug him back, I shifted into my human form, while still not as smooth as others, and hugged him as tightly as I could.

This caused him to be shocked but he quickly got out of it, growling and turning away from the other wolves.

"Mine." He growled, his eyes flashing colors. Oh, that's right, I'm still naked. Oops.

Lucky, there seemed to be cloths everywhere, as Rocky just suddenly appeared with two shorts and a shirt. Both smelling like Noble. Quickly putting them on after Noble made everyone turn away, I went back to hugging Noble. I could feel my body finally catching up and going numb.

"N-n-Noble. T-t-tanks." I mumbled before passing out. But I was fine with that. After all, I'm safe and I'm the arms of someone who will finally love me.

BAM!! Finished! I'll have the last part tomorrow or later idk just depends if I have time. But there ya go.

Luv u lots💜

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