Chapter 10

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Nobles POV

What I saw was the most beautiful coloring ever seen on a wolf. I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. Her fur was white with both black and gray hairs all mixed together. Around her face there was a hint of brownish reddish color and looking into her eyes I see that there a blood red color making her fur pop that much more.

(Just pretend the wolf is a pup ok tanks)

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(Just pretend the wolf is a pup ok tanks)

"Wow. Now that your all cleaned I can see your fur so much clearer and wow. I've never seen wolves with this coloration before. Your beautiful." I said in awe gently touching her soft buzzed fur. I wonder what she'll look like when all her fur has grown back. Super fluffy I bet.

After I finished talking I could tell what I said confused her. Has she never been complimented before? That's so sad. Shaking my head I hugged her close while smelling her to make sure I got off all the nasty smelling crap.

Now that she's clean and I got a good sniff, I notice she smalls like cherries, lemons, and my favorite, the forest after a rainy day. I found her scent intoxicatingly and I finally pay attention to the sparks. Confused a looked at Rock.

"What are the signs you get when you find your mate again?"

"Um, I believe first you'll be attracted to them by there irresistible scent. Then when you make eye contact, your body will ignite like fire and finally when you touch, those sparks go flying and make that fire burn even hotter. At least that's what I've been told." He said blushing while tubing the back of his neck. I just look at him for a little while before he starts shifting around and looking around the room.

"You sound like a love sick puppy you know that." I teased.

"Well- well you look like a monkey. Besides why did you even want to know? You brought it up so randomly." He shot back.

"You'll find out in a little but for now I have a theory I want to test. Maybe we can find out her age if we check her teeth. You know, like how vets do with dogs and cats. Don't look at me like I'm crazy. Anyway let's go to Holly, maybe she'll support my theory." I huffed, pulling Cloud closer and stuffing my fact in her short fur. She smells so good.

"Whatever man. She'll most likely agree with me if anything." Rock said standing up and heading towards the door before opening it and leaving. Sighing at his stupidity, I followed him down to Holly's office and straight to the exam table where I set down Cloud. Keeping a hand on her to make sure she doesn't wander off and to let her know she's safe, I turned to Holly to present my theory.

"Ok I have a theory that we want you to test. I'm starting to think that Cloud might not be so little or a pup for that matter. She doesn't have that milky scent that pups have. Plus she has too many scars to be just a few months old. If anything, they look a few years old. So, I told Rocky that you could probably tell how old she is my looking at her teeth and gums. Rocky says that you can't tell how old she is by doing that, so your here to tell us which one of us is right." I said softly petting Cloud.

"Well your both wrong and both right. You can tell the age of an animal by looking at there teeth, but I can't give you an exact number. I can only give you a rough estimate." Holly said walking over to me and Cloud. "I'll go ahead and take a look for you but just know it's not the exact number. Just my best estimate." I nodded while backing up some to give Holly some more room. After a few minutes of looking she steps back with a shocked look.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"She's, she's about 17 years old give or take. She has all adult teeth but they look young. So she's older than 15 but younger than 20 so I say she's about 17." Holly said before frowning. "Alpha, would it be fine if I got a blood sample. Maybe I can trace her heritage through the werewolf database. I'm really curious as to who she really is." She asked. After receiving a nod from me, I made sure it was ok with Cloud first, she got a needle and tube before cleaning the area and taking the blood.

"Wow, she's 17. That means she's been abused for almost 17 years assuming it started when she was a pup. I guess if they didn't treat or feed her right that would explain why she's still so little." Rock murmured. I on the other hand, am having a hard time processing everything that just happened. That means those sparks, and that irresistible smell...

Could she be my mate?
Clouds POV (starting from right after Noble called her beautiful.)

He called me something that wasn't meant to be rude. Is he playing me or is he someone I can really trust? And what about those sparks? And now that he's so close I can get a good smell of him. And man does he smell good. He smells like mints and a hint of a Rainey smell mixed with freshly mowed grass. Ugh. Everything's just so confusing.

Tuning back into the conversation between the Alpha and his friend, what was his name Rick, Ricardo, Rock? That's right Rock. Anyway listening I hear them teasing each other.

"You sound like a love sick puppy you know that." The Alpha teased. 

"Well- well you look like a monkey. Besides why did you even want to know? You brought it up so randomly." His friend shot back.

"You'll find out in a little but for now I have a theory I want to test. Maybe we can find out her age if we check her teeth. You know, like how vets do with dogs and cats. Don't look at me like I'm crazy. Anyway let's go to Holly, maybe she'll support my theory." The Alpha said holding me closer. Getting lost in my thoughts and his smell I soon found myself back in the weird smelling white room with that lady named Holly.

"Well your both wrong and both right. You can tell the age of an animal by looking at there teeth, but I can't give you an exact number. I can only give you a rough estimate." Holly said walking over to us. "I'll go ahead and take a look for you but just know it's not the exact number. Just my best estimate." Confused I see her hand come towards me before she gently opens my mouth and looks around. After a few minutes she steps back looking, what's it called again, shocked? Ya that's it. She stepped back looking shocked making Alpha worried for some reason.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"She's, she's about 17 years old give or take. She has all adult teeth but they look young. So she's older than 15 but younger than 20 so I say she's about 17." The lady said before frowning. "Alpha, would it be fine if I got a blood sample. Maybe I can trace her heritage through the werewolf database. I'm really curious as to who she really is." She asked looking at the Alpha who in return looked at me. Deciding what's the worst that can happen I nodded and let her prick me with the stupid needle.

"Wow, she's 17. That means she's been abused for almost 17 years assuming it started when she was a pup. I guess if they didn't treat or feed her right that would explain why she's still so little." The alphas friends murmured. Wow, he guessed right. He's smart.

"Ok Alpha I'm done. I'll put the information in later and let you know what I find out as soon as I find anything. But in the meantime, I suggest feeding her and then letting her get some rest. Goodnight Alpha." Holly said before Alpha gently picked me up and led me out of the room and into another one.

From there I was feed something, I think chicken, before I was put to bed with Alpha sleeping right next to me. Decided to use him for warmth, I cuddled closer enjoying the soft sparks the started where ever we touched.

Here you go as promised. I just went through to change a few things so the story lines up. Nothing too big but I hope you guys like it.

Luv u lots💜

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