Chapter 4

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Nobles POV

"God damn it Jason! What did I tell you about slacking off! If you really want to become one of the packs warriors then I expect you to put more effort into training!"

"Sorry Alpha Noble. It's just I can't. I'm putting all I have into it. I just can't do anything more! I'm just an omega! How do you expect me to be as good as the other kids my age when I'm not as strong or big as them. I should have just listened to my mother and followed her!"

My eyes soften as Jason, a fourteen year old boy, started bawling while all the other kids started laughing. You see, Jason is an omega. Which means that yes, he's smaller then everyone else in his age group and weaker. But that just means he has to try harder then everyone else.

"Oi kid. Don't cry. It's just makes you weaker." I said tussling up his hair.

"That's not what my old man said. He said a real man shouldn't be afraid to cry and that's it shouldn't be looked down upon. After all, crying just means your releasing all your pent up stress or emotions." Dang. Who knew this kid could be so wise. Wait a minute. I think I just found the perfect spot for him.

"Well your old mans right. But do you really think he meant in a situation like this?" After getting a shake of a head I continued. "That's right so chin up and wipe those tears. Show the others that your just as strong and that they shouldn't underestimate you. Now I don't think you should be a warrior." I said while crossing my arms.

"W-what do you mean?" He said. He looked like I just crushed his dreams. Damn it. I feel mean now.

"Don't take it badly. I mean this in a good way. I believe you would be better fit to be one of the pack doctors then a warrior. Your someone whose kind and compassionate but hates violence. So you would be perfect for the job. Come on let's go talk to the packs head Doctor." I said smiling when I saw a huge grin take over his face. The boy nodded his head so fast I was surprised it didn't fall off.

Chuckling softly I looked at my beta Rocky, or Rock for short, and asked his to watch the pack while I went to talk to the pack Doctor. He nodded his head so I gently  led Jason to the hospital part of the pack house while mind linking Holly, the lead pack Doctor.

Hey Holly, I think I found you that apprentice you've been wanting. His names Jason and he's fourteens years old. He's fits the description perfectly of what your looking for. Kind and gentle, but stern. He will do good.

Really! Great bring him. Now. I wanna meet and get him started ass soon as possible. The sooner the better, after all those rouges are showing up more often and hunters are starting to show up now too.

Growling softly as she mentioned it I tightened my fist till my knuckles were white. Damn those rouges. They're teaming up with the hunters and giving them the lay out of my land like god damn it, why can't they leave me and my pack alone. We may be the smallest pack at 26 members but we are the most powerful because we got ourselves a secret weapon.

Already on it we're right outside.

I said ending the mind link and opening the door. Stepping inside I'm almost trampled by Holly as she try's to get to Jason. Poor kid. She's going to work him till he falls from exhaustion.

"Jason this is Holly one of the three doctors that work her and the head Doctor. Holly try not to kill the kid on the first day and Jason I expect good reports from Holly. I know you'll do good here and make your parents proud where ever they are." I said giving him a small smile.

You see, a while ago, maybe 3-4 years ago, Jason's parents turned rouge and left leaving their ten year old son alone in the world so I've sorta taken him in as my own seeing as both my parents where killed a few years ago meaning I had to take over super early. I mean I was still in high school and still currently am. I'm a senior now and will be graduating by summer which was about 6 months away. Dang that's still a long time away.

Shaking my head I went back to train the 13 warriors and warriors to be that are still in the back yard. The down side of having a small pack is having to fight twice as hard when it come to fighting to we train just as hard as we fight.


After finishing training finished 5 hours later we went to eat the dinner the females of the pack made. Walked not in after taking my shower I look around to see everyone chatting or laughing. Smiling as I caught Jason listening intently to what Holly was saying I walked and sat at the head of the table with my beta to my right and my gamma to my left.

Everyone stopped talking when I sat down and stayed silent waiting for me to address them.

"You may all eat. After this I want anyone 15 or younger to go to bed. There's school tomorrow." I say strictly but they all knew I had a playful tone behind it making them all smile and nod before diving into there food.

I started to eat my own food which consisted of mash potatoes, ham, and green beans. The good ones not the soggy, yucky ones. Anyways, as I was eating I listened to all the conversations going around the table to hear gossip from school, or someone discovering their secret talent.

Quick information, this pack was created a little before I was born when my parents found out they were mates but there packs hated each other with a passion and refused to let either or join their pack and allowing them to be together, so they ran away and made their own pack. They were just going to join another but they found out something and as much as they wanted to join an already existing pack they figured they needed to make a pack for other people like them after meeting rouges who were just like them. The rouges had been kicked out of their packs because of the secret talent and my parents didn't want anyone going through that anymore so they created this pack, the Blue moon pack. There's a reason behind the name but I'll explain that another time anyway, the only way to get into this pack was to have a secret talent, be mates with someone who had on (which didn't happen so far) or be related to someone with one. Which also hasn't happen since everyone here is either a child to someone with a special talent and has one themselves or they was kicked out of their pack.

Anyhow, dinner was finished and everyone was putting their plates in the sink for the omegas to wash. Tomorrow night it would be the higher ups, which meant me. Oh joy. Putting my plate in the sink I headed upstairs to my apartment kind of room to do my homework and paperwork for the pack.

Getting there, I got to work and managed to finish all of it by 11:00, deciding that it would be a good time to go to bed.

Headings to my room, I quickly changed and got into bed, deciding against taking a shower since I literally  took one before dinner. Yawning I turned off the lights and closed my eyes before slowly falling into a fitful sleep.

Please comment if u want me to do it on a different day or try to do it twice a week.

Luv u guys XOXOXO

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