Chapter 8

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Runts/Clouds POV

I can't feel anything. I'm just floating around in this black, empty space. I don't feel any pain for once in my life. Maybe I'm finally dead. Maybe I can finally be free from that cursed life I live.

Or maybe I'm not dead. Maybe this is just the moon goddesses way of torturing me longer. To make me think I'm finally free from all the pain and suffering, before suddenly throwing it all back in my face. Laughing behind my back.

I don't think I could handle that if that's the case. I don't think u can suffer anymore with out breaking down. Without losing myself to the darkness that surrounds me. But maybe I deserve this. Maybe I did something terrible in the past life and now the moon goddess is trying to make me pay for my past mistakes. Ya. That's it.

Suddenly I can hear voices. There faint but I can still hear them. There talking about.... about someone named Cloud. Who ever this Cloud person is, they must really care for them by the way there talking. I wish someone would care for me that much. Sighing I decided to listen in. I mean I have nothing better to do.

"She's been out for almost two weeks now. Why won't she wake up?" A deep voice said sending shivers down my spine. Why I have no idea but, for some odd reason, I like this voice.

"I don't know Noble. She should have been up by now. Maybe her body is trying to heal her mental state rather than her physical and that why she was t healing. Maybe she's just so traumatized by everything that's happened, it's going to take some time for her to heal. Just keep a close eye on her. Call me if anything changes ok." Said a female voice. Her voice wasn't as good as the others. What did that lady call him, Noble? He sounds like a nice person.

Suddenly I feel a hand petting me. But for some reason, I don't tense. What so ever. In fact I do the opposite. I leaned towards him. I don't even know this person and here I am acting like I've known him for years and letting him pet me sending shocks all through out my body.

"Hey little Cloud. If you can hear me, I think it's time to get up. You've been asleep for quite a while and I believe sleeping that long isn't healthy. Plus, your really thin, I believe we need to stick some good in you. How does that sound? If you wake up I'll give you some nice easy to eat food. You won't have to worry about getting in trouble or anything. I protect you from here on out. I won't a single wolf harm you ever again. Just please wake up. I'm so worried." The nice voice guy said before breaking down and.... crying? Was he crying for me? And did he call me Cloud? Did he actually give me a name? Does someone out there really care for me?

Those were my last thoughts before the darkness took over again.


When I came too I was actually able to open my eyes this time. Of course I had a hard time getting them open but still.

After opening them, I noticed the room was dark but there was a little light coming from, what were those called, wall? Ya! There was a little light coming from the wall. Looking around through the dim light I noticed I was laying on a really comfortable bed. Wait. Bed?

My eyes widening I whimpered before darting towards the end to jump off before I'm caught. Well, I tried to anyways. It seems from sleeping and not moving my limbs in a long time, it made things a little harder to move. So instead I jumping of and landing gracefully, I ended up flopping off and landing with a giant thud. The thing on my back right paw doesn't seem to help either. In fact it made my falling even louder which seems to have woken the person also laying in the bed. Well then, I guess I didn't see him. Oh well. Tuning back into life I looked and saw him blinking and rubbing his eyes while looking around. Then he spotted me. He tilted his head to the side before his eyes widen and he shot forward towards me.

Panicking I dove under the bed and hide in the corner farthest away. I started having trouble breathing and started to shake worse than I already was when his face suddenly appeared in the gap between the floor and the bed.

"Hey hey, shhh! It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you I promise." He said and my body just acted on it's own. It stopped shaking so much and I was able to breath and think clearly. Then I realized something. This guys Mr. Nice Voice! "Ya, that's it. Breath slowly. Now can you come out. I won't hurt you. I just want to make sure you ok." He said coaxing me out. Slowly inching out I decided to trust him.

I know I know. Why would you trust anyone that easily after everything that's happened to you?! Well truth is I dot k ow myself. I just have a feeling u can trust him.

Anyway, as soon as I made it to the gap, he backed up to let me come out further. Of course I was cautious and couldn't walk right so as soon as I was out in the open, I crouched and whimpered expecting to be hit. Instead I was slowly petting making me relax after a few strokes.

"There we go Cloud. That's your new name by the way. Or temporary I guess you can say. We don't know your real name so we just went with Cloud. Sorry I'm rambling. I tend to do that. Anyway, would you mind if my friend came in to take a look at you? I'm not a doctor and I want to make sure your ok. That was a big fall you took there." He said still petting me.

I thought for a second before cautiously nodding my head and allowing him to pick me up.

"Thanks! Now I'm just going to put you on the bed ok. And no freaking out please. I promise you won't be punished for sitting on the bed. Oh by the way, I'm Noble Shining, or Alpha of the Bluemoon pack." He said proudly but making my eyes widen. I'm sitting in the alphas bed. Oh no. I'm going to get punished. I knew I shouldn't of trusted him.

Whimpering I turn to run off the bed a again when he pick me up, holding me close to his chest.

"Hey hey, it's ok. Your fine. Who ever your old pack was can't hurt you here I promise. I know your an omega and I'm going to take a guess and say your old pack use to beat you. But not here. We treasure omegas. Just because there weaker than normal wolves doesn't make them any less useful. They just have to work harder. And since your an omega, and not to mention a pup, we will treat you nicely I promise."

Did he just call me a pup?

There you go my lovelies. A second chapter will be going up soon, like in the next hour or two so show your support!

Also I changed the name and cover. The cover I went with was the fifth picture. I already changed it so let me know if you can't see it cuz to me it looks the same.

Also I would like to give credit to Twisted_Wolf for giving me the new title and for picture #1 even though it wasn't chosen. I want to thank you for suggesting it and I love the new title. Be sure to follow her as she is a lovely wonderful person. Anywho....

Luv u lots💜

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