Chapter 17

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Nobles POV

"Um, by any chance, would it be possible if I could hold the little omega pup." Sam, one of the council men asked. I looked down at Zoey for confirmation and got a nod in return so I gently handed him one of the two pup in my hands. I have to admit, when I walked in on the two cuddling, instead of feeling jealousy, I couldn't help but find it adorable.

"She's so small. Normally full blood omegas are small but never this small. She's like a new born." Sam said hugging Zoey closer while his eyes tested up. Can't blame him though, I felt the same way and by the looks that the others have they feel the same way.

"I'm going to call for reinforcements. As soon as they get here I'm heading to that bastards pack and I'm ruling the bastard to pieces." Caine said growing before tuning and walking out. The other giving him looks of pity.

"His daughter is an omega. She was kidnapped when she was little, about three-four. When they finally found her, she was a bloody mess. Hardly recognizable. Luckily, like all omegas, she was given a power and that was to heal others. Because of that her body just automatically repairs itself. So when they did find her she was half way through healing but still in danger. From then on Caine try's everything he can to save as many omegas as he can. He takes every case involving an omega, no matter how stupid, dangerous, or silly it is. So when he heard about this case, he dropped the case he was already on, and refuse to let us leave without him, hence why it took so long. He just gets so emotional when it comes to omegas, he lets his anger get the best of him. Take my word, he won't let any harm come to this little omega, no matter how he acts towards others." Sam explained softly petting Zoey, making her relax into him.

"I heard about that. I was glad to see he was on the case when he got here. Actually while we're on the topic, I heard that he also has powers. Like the rest of my pack." I said, fixing Jason so he was more comfortable in my arms.

"Actually, all the council does. That's part of the reason why we let you keep your pack. We know how hard it can be to have powers so we let you keep your pack as a place for people to be free and themselves. As you know, we the council men, are a pack along with our family. But it's that just that. We aren't allowed to allow anyone but our family into our pack so we're thankful for your family creating this pack. Even though it may be small, it's one of the mightiest packs I've seen. And your all so close to. It must be nice." Dane said. Smile if sadly at the omega in Sams arms.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are all of your powers?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I can read minds, Sam can tell if someone's lying, Dane can run really fast, Caine cannot be harmed in a fight unless it was purposefully, the other members Ricky, Gio, Carly, Kelly, Izzy, and Bella all have powers based around fighting and intel. So Ricky (which is a girl) can get all information she wants just by looking at you, Gio can fight ten times longer than normal wolves, Kelly can control flames, Izzy can teleport, Carly can control any wolf that she bites or scratches, and Bella can communicate telepathically, or create a channel that can allow us to talk to other telepathically. As you can see, all our powers are of use of some sorts." Francis said. Wow that's cool.

"That's some impressive powers. My pack is mostly based around elemental powers but we do have a few who don't use elements." I said.

"If I am assuming correctly, than that would mean you also have a power. Would you mind telling us what that would be." Francis said.

"Ya that's fine. I have the ability to copy any power just by looking at the person. But that takes a lot out of me so I don't do that very often." I explained. I seem to have shocked them greatly for they looked at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

"I've never heard of a power like that before. Have you copied any good powers?" Sam asked excitedly. He sorta reminds me of a little kid.

"Just two. My parents. I can got the ability to turn invisible from my mom and the ability to regenerate at an alarming rate from my dad. Beside that I haven't used the power because as I've said, it drains me greatly." I said.

"Those are some pretty powerful powers. Man I would hate to go against you in a battle." Dane said chuckling. It was at that moment that Caine bursted through the doors panting.

"I called for back up and turns out the rest of the ten are coming but I got news from Ricky who ran into a rogue of her last assignment. The Bloodsky is coming to attack this pack. The Alpha some how found out Zoey was here and he managed to rally over two hundred rogues plus is two hundred pack members, to come here and attack you. I suggest you start preparing because they'll be here with in the next week." Caine growled out shocking me.

"Fine, if he wants a fight then I'll give him one." I said walking up to Dane and handing him Jason before storming out of the room and down the stairs to outside.

Once out there I shifted and called my small pack of 26. Once they were all there I shifted back putting a pair of Horta on before addressing my pack.

"It seems we're being challenged and threatens by the pack our new little omega use to belong to. The Bloodsky pack. I want all warriors to get ready and the rest to start helping prepare. Everyone 18 and older will be fighting to protect our home. Those younger will go with the Holly and Jason to our safe house at the back of the property. I don't want any arguments. They should be arriving within the next week so be ready at all times. This isn't a game. I believe in every single one of you. Fight for your freedom! Fight for your love ones! FIGHT FOR YOUR PACK!" I shouted before shifting and howling. Everyone following suit. Looking down I made eye contact with Caine who was smiling and nodding his head, holding both the omegas while his pack members joined mine in the howl.

The howl was loud and strong. Signaling we weren't going down with out a fight. Come at us Bloodsky. You won't tear us down. You'll be the one to fall. And you fall hard.

Hey I know I said I would try to fish it tonight but I decided to finish it tomorrow cuz I have to be up early which means I have to get to bed. Anyways I hope y'all are enjoying and I will finish this by tomorrow. I'll have the last two-three chapter up tomorrow.

But I need help. I'm going to create a list of all the pack members and I need help with names and powers. If you want to help give me a name and a power. Just try to stick with what u said earlier in the chapter. I want only elemental powers or simple basic powers nothing too powerful. That's for later😉

Anyways give me a name and elemental or basic power. Oh and age. Some where between 20-40. Also try to even out the difference between boys and girls. You can also give up to four character if you want. I just have trouble coming up with names and powers.

Luv u lots💜

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