Chapter 12

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Zoey POV

I woke up in a huge pile of blankets and pillows. Looking around I notice that I'm still in that room with a giant screen, the theater room as Alpha Noble called it. Now that I think about it, he wasn't even in the room but I could hear wolf mummers outside the door. Decided to snoop because I'm too curious for my own good, I wiggle out of the pile of blankets and pillows and slowly make my way to the fort after making a clumsy fall to the ground.

"-don't know how much of this is true but the council can't really do anything because there's no solid proof about whether this happened or not." I heard Holly explain. I wonder what there walking about. What was so bad the council needed proof in order to act?

After waiting for a solid couple minutes I heard slight movements before Alpha Noble spoke again.

"Holly, call the council and tell them we might have the proof they've been looking for." Knowing there talk was done I bolted for the pile that somehow fell to the floor and wiggles my way under just as the door opened. I quickly pretended to still be asleep when the footsteps got closer to where I was.

Taking slow even breaths, something I learned if I wanted to stay out of trouble, I stayed limp as Alpha Noble pulled all the blankets off and lifted me up. I then took the time to ponder about what they were talking about as he lead me to what I think is his room.

I just wanted to know what the council had to do with anything. And what's this proof Alpha Noble mentioned? Do I know? Maybe it's not my business but what if it was? What if it's about me? I know that the council has always targeted my pack but I don't know why. They were doing what every other pack does. Or maybe, they weren't? I mean, Alpha Ace always said that this is how every pack is but not this one. Maybe it's just this pack that's different. Will they act all nice and when I finally trust them, stab me in the back? How do I even know I can trust them. I can't really talk to them. And I can't shift back either. Gah this is all so confusing. Why does life have to be so hard!

"Hey Cloud. I can see your starting to wake up. Good news, Holly did some diggging and we found out somethings about you. For one, your real name is Zoey. You where born to the Alpha and his mate of the Bloodsky pack." At these words my blood ran cold. The Alpha of the Bloodsky pack, my old pack, was Alpha Ace. Does this mean I'm his daughter? But how can that be right, he doesn't even have a mate. I looked back at Alpha Noble hoping he would say more.

"Your full name is Zoey Nightwalker. Your the daughter of Ace Nightwalker and Felly Sphare. Your mother died during childbirth meaning you almost didn't make it. I'm going to guess and say you know Ace. And I'm also going to say you never knew he was your father." He stated more than asked. I slowly nodded my head, showing him he got the answer right.

He looked down at me with a sad look in his eyes before he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't even want to know what he did to you but at the same time I need to know. Please Zoey I need you to shift back please. I want to be able to talk with you properly. I want to be able to hold in in my arms when your human." He started off loud before he slowly started to whisper everything. I felt small wets drops falling onto the back of my neck while feeling some run down my face. Tears. He's crying for me. Someone as ugly and useless as me. Someone might actually care. Is that possible for someone like me? Can I really be loved. Maybe, just maybe I can.

Letting myself cry my wolffish tears, I placed my face in his chest while he collapsed on the bed, crying into the back of my neck.

Some where else in a dark smokey room

"Why hasn't someone found that stupid omega! I asked for something as simple as this, yet no one seems to be able to find her! I'll kill every single last one of you if she isn't found and soon!" I yelled before stalking off and out of the dark dingy room. Taking a drag from my cigarette, I walked into my private office better sitting down at my desk.

I knew I should have left the omega there for that long, much less with a stupid idiot who got to cocky to cover his tracks or make sure his people are loyal. Now because of that son of a bitch, I'm down one omega that could have earned me more money. Not to mentioned a very special one at that.

Knocking at the startled me out of my thoughts. Glaring at the door I huffed a come in. The door slowly opened to reveal my smirking Beta. He better wipe that fucking smirk off his face if he doesn't want an ass beating.

"Alpha. I found that little pesky omega like you said. It took some time but some packs just aren't smart enough to hide information such as this. Some pack in the south has her. There names the Blue Moon pack. The strongest in the south even though they have very few in numbers. Some say it's because they have powers like no other. But anyway, they found her after she was dumped in a river left to die. She is still currently there. What would you like em to do Alpha." He said giving me a sadistic smirk. Giving him one of my own I replied.

"Get all the warriors together. Looks like we got to take another pack down. That will make 26 when we take them down." I replied before dismissing him. Turning around in my chair I looked out the window behind me and smiled even more. Looks like I'll be seeing you soon my child. You bastard of a child.

And another one done. More to come.

Luv u lots💜

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