Chapter 2

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When I woke up, my head was pounding and I was chained outside. Not to mention that it was freezing cold outside and that its laying in there snow.

"Hey little shit. Your finally awake I see. Well in that case I guess you can go see what your new job will be for now on." Some guy said from behind me. I turned and saw a giant man and my shaking immediately  became worse and my breathing became uneven and erratic. He picked me up roughly from my scruff and started walking while swinging me around.

I looked around and saw we were surrounded by trees and snow. Snow that I have a feeling will be red by the end of the day. I also noticed that there was dogs surrounded by fences barking and drooling like crazy at us.

"Hey mutt pay attention when I'm talking to you. Your new job will be to show the others dogs how to do something. In other words the dummy." The guy snarled.

Oh god. What have I done to deserve this. Why couldn't I have been born in a normal family in a normal pack.

Oh wait I know. The moon goddess hates me. Always has I bet you. Well enough complaining, I deserve this now that I think about it. I mean I am an omega and every omega is treated this way. It's just in our nature.

Mr Meany pants throw me down on the ground before kicking and spitting at me. Ow. That hurt. But I guess I do deserve it, I mean I'm the size of a pup and shake like a leaf in the wind. A worthless being as I'm called often. But it's ok. I've been beaten so many times it doesn't even hurt anymore just a dull pinch and blood. Lots of blood.

All the sudden a sharp whistle has me backing out of my thoughts and actually paying attention. I looked over and saw Mr. Meany Pants dragging a small dog, a chihuahua by the looks of it. Ok so maybe I won't be hurt to bad I mean how bad can a tiny dog hurt?

Ignore my comment from earlier. This dog definitely isn't going to go easy on me no matter what I do and it hurts like heck. I mean how was I suppose to know that this small dog has teeth as sharp as a sharks.

Basically what the man was doing was having that demon dog do was attack my vital spots or instinct death spots are but having the dog bite not to hard (thanks gods) but hard enough to draw a little blood and the sad part, the demon dog looks as if it's enjoying itself by looking at me with blood list filled eyes and smiling (if you call that a smile) demonically.

We kept at this until I collapsed and couldn't get up no matter how much the demon dog or Mr. Meany Pants punched, kicked, bite, or scratched.

"Worthless piece of shit, the last one lasted a couple more hours their first time. Oh well, I guess where just going to have to toughen you up a bit. Maybe if we put some meat on those bones of yours then maybe I could urn you into a fighting dog. Or wolf in your case." The guys said before breaking into a mad laugh.

He picked me up by my scruff and took my to a cage in between two of the biggest dogs I've ever seen. Holy mic fudge cheese and crackers I think I just peed my self. They were glaring at me with so much hate and drooling like a mad dog, which they probably where. Ok well I'm going to die one day either from these brutes or the cold because what would you know, Mr. Meany Pants decided I wasn't cold enough and decided I needed some COLD water dumped on me even though I'm basically sitting in snow.

"There you go mutt. Wash yourself up. Dinners in 5 if your not cleaned up by then no food, and double practice tomorrow." As soon as he was out of sight the dogs on either side of me let out a sigh.

I cocked my head in confusion when I realized it was a sigh of relief before doing what Mr. Meany Pants told me to do so I could at least get some food in my stomach. Even a tiny morsel will do. Anything will work, just a bit of food and I should be good for a week or two before I need more.

As soon as I finished cleaning myself off I curled myself in a ball in the corner of my cage farthest away from both the dogs who where now looking at me with curiosity instead of hate. But they were still drooling. Ew.

Closing my eyes I silently waiting for Mr. Meany Pants to show with my food before I try and get some sleep. Man how I wish I could sleep somewhere warm and not cold. But as I said, the moon goddess hates me and loves to punish me even thought I have no idea what I did.

"Hey you. Ya you tiny pup. Names Zorark. What ya do to get in a place like this?" The giant dog to my left asked. Now before you go yelling, 'IMPOSSIBLE YOUR STILL PART HUMAN' I'm different. I'm connected with nature in such a way that I can understand any animal I want. It's a blessing and a curse.

"I-I-i d-d-don't really k-know what. I-I w-was the runt-t of my l-litter. M-maybe-e t-t-that's w-why." I said stuttering really bad. Oh well, there goes my first impression.

I heard some boots crunching in the snow as the dog went to reply but it thought better and shut up.

I glanced up when I heard my cage open and a thin small sheet was placed on me and saw a new person. It's wasn't Mr. Meany Pants.

The dogs next to me seem to realize that do before they sighed in relief and later down.

"Hey there little one. Your new I'm guessing. Well don't worry. One day, when I'm older, I'm going to get help for all the dogs here and save you all. By the way, my names Jesse. Oh and here's some food. It's not much but it'll help satisfy your hunger." He said before moving and feeding all the other animals.

"He's the only one you can trust around here besides us two, so if you ever need a friend for help or a shoulder to cry on, we'll be here to help. I have a feeling where going to be best friends." The dog to my right said. "By the way, names Butch. Nice to meet ya pup."

I think this will be the start of a friendship that help me through life.

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