Chapter 1

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I don't really know how long it's been but I can tell that I'm 'close of age'. Don't ask how I know I just do. It's like that feeling deep inside your stomach. That deep forbidding feeling you get right before something bass happens, ya that one. The time is close and I just know I'll be a breeder.

I haven't really grown at all, I'm still as small as ever. I mean, ya, they still 'train' me but they've laid back just a bit. They, and by they I mean the alpha, wants me to be somewhat presentable so I can sell for more money then I'm worth. At least, that's what I heard from the other wolves.

If I become a breeder, they'll breed me till I can't physically breed anymore. They'll have me pop out pups like crazy until I can't anymore and when that happens, off with my head. They kill you since you'll be useless. Then they'll use your meat and sell it. Again, I over heard some warriors talking. I really don't want to be a breeder I just want to be free. To be myself and not live and fear.

Of course that will never happen. I'm too weak to fend for myself. I can't hunt so I'll starve and I don't know anything about the outside world so I would be completely clueless.

I sighed and closed my eyes. After all these years I still can't stop that uncontrollable shaking that seized my body every waking moment. I can't stop the violent flinching that comes when people reach out or move. I can't control they way my eyes show no emotion. Just emptiness. I could swear I was a toy if it weren't for all the scars and cuts that litter my poor tiny body.

Foot steps coming my way broke me out of my thoughts as my body reacted before I could do anything. It's like I'm trapped in my head, watching how everything that happens to me happens. Feeling nothing, not the whips, not the belts, not the claws and teeth, not the knifes, and not the words.

It's like I'm watching in third person as my soulless body starts shaking more, backing into the back of the cage, with out an emotion in its eyes. It's quite sad. I don't feel when they grab my scruff and pull me out of the cage swinging me around while I let silent whines out. I don't feel it when they throw me on the ground, and put that God forsaken heavy chain around my neck. I don't feel it when the alpha gives them permission to attack, their claws digging, tearing the flesh of my poor body. I don't feel any pain. That or I'm just so use to it I've learned to block it out. I'm so out of it I don't really pay attention anymore.

Sometimes I want it all to end. There's times when it almost does too, but they alpha intervenes and has the pack doctor fix me just enough to keep me alive. My wishes are never granted, never heard. Sometimes I thing the world is against me. For all I know it could be. And with my luck most likely is.

*magical time skip named Sparkles*

I looked around to see it was early morning and that I wasn't already in the arena.

Maybe they decided to go easy on me. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that's never going to happen. They probably want to have my morning and afternoon session go on at the same time. They've done that a lot right. Ya they have.

Just as I broke from my thoughts I heard two pairs of foot sets coming towards me. I looked up while shakily backing to the back of the  cage.

It was the alpha bad that man from a few years ago. The man with that ugly face, the weird tall hat, the weird cloths, and the weird things on his face.

"Here she is Travis. Now, she's a little beat up but still in good conduction so I want all the money you promised plus more. I got six other offers if you don't pay it all." The alpha said gruffly. 

"Yes yes. I have the money now give me her, shes beautiful. The right age I assume now yes?" The creepy guys asked.

"Yes thirteen years of age. Just right for you. Now I expect one pup from each litter though. She has a special endurance that she loves to keep up, meaning more playtime for my warriors."

"Of course of course. I'll have the first litter in a couple months. The first born or the runt of each litter though is the question, yes a good question indeed." The creepy man said before breaking out in one of the scariest laughs I've ever heard.

"I'll take the runt. They make the best. Now let's hurry and get this done, the cops are on my hide and are coming in less then an hour so hurry and pay me my money and leave with that shivering leaf." The alpha growled before grabbing my scruff and dragging me out of the cage and toward where I assume the creepy guy's car is.

When we get to it the creepy guy pulls out a weird box and pops something on it making it open to show a bunch of green paper with words written all over it. I'm guessing that's money because the alphas eyes lite and and he practically shoved me into the creepy guy's arms.

"Thanks now you can go and get off my lands. And hurry, I don't want the cops finding out about this." The alpha hurriedly says before passing the weird box over to the beta who immediately goes to the pack house with it as the creepy man gets in the car and turns it on before driving away.

After a while the creepy guys starts petting me weirdly. He keeps going lower and lower of my stomach. I don't know what he's doing but I don't like and my warning bells are going off so I wiggle around but I guess the creepy guy didn't like that. He flips me over and does something so soon the car isn't moving.

"You just love tempting me don't you. Oh how I just can't wait to sick my mmmmmm." He makes some weird noise but before anything can happens there were sounds of car doors closing and tons of people talking.

"Shit they found us. Well then. I guess we'll have to wait till later now work we. But for now and until we meet again, and trust that we will, I have to go.  Ow be a good dogie and stay alive until I find you." The creepy guy says before opening the glass thingy and throwing me out towards the group of people.

"Take that as your offering you crazy bastards." The creepy guys yells before driving off to who knows where.

I look over at the men gathered around me.

"She would be a good doll for our baby's won't she fellas." One guys said.

"She sure will." Another said before I felt something hit my head and everything go black. But I welcomed the darkness.

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