Chapter 9

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"Hey hey, it's ok. Your fine. Who ever your old pack was can't hurt you here I promise. I know your an omega and I'm going to take a guess and say your old pack use to beat you. But not here. We treasure omegas. Just because there weaker than normal wolves doesn't make them any less useful. They just have to work harder. And since your an omega, and not to mention a pup, we will treat you nicely I promise." After I said that, she gave me this weird look.

Ok don't know what that's about but I can hear Holly coming up to the door, that and she told she was right outside as to not scare the pup.

"Hey Cloud, my friend is right outside the door ok. She's the pack doctor and is going to fix you right up if anything wrong. Also, she tends to hug cute little critter like your self so just be prepared. She won't hurt you." I said rubbing the back of my neck just as Holly bursted through the doors.

"OMG LOOK AT HOW CUUUUTE YOU ARE! I'm just gunna eat you up!" Holly screeched making me and Cloud whine and cover out sensitive ears.

"Damn Holly, no need to scream like that. Sensitive hearing remember and I don't think screaming like that will help you gain Clouds trust. Right Cloud." I said looking at the spot she was sitting at. Key word, was. Quickly standing up I looked around panicked only to find her hiding under my pillow on the bed. Chuckling I gently lifted her and showed her to Holly.

"Now no yelling anymore Holly. You scared her." I said glaring at her.

"Sorry. Anyway let me see her." She said carefully taking her from my hands. I watched as she set her down on my bed before giving her a little mini exam.

"Well, my prediction I made a couple days ago was right. I'm going to guess and say her wolf was so focused on healing her mentally, her wolf completely forgot about her physical wounds until after she was healed. All her wounds seem to be completely healed including her broken leg. So now all I have to do is cut off the cast and you can give her a bath. I mean no offense little one but I reek." Holly said plugging her nose.

Now that she mentioned it, I can smell her now and Holly was right, she does smell bad. Oh well that just means I get to give her a bath. I get to see her all wrapped up in a blanket as a pupito. You know like the purrito, just with a puppy instead.

"-office now. Alpha were you listening to me?" Holly said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Honestly you get lost in your thoughts too much. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm going to take Cloud down to the office now. I'm going to cut her cast off and take off the rest of her bandages. Now come along. The rest of the pack is at school or going to right now." She said.

Nodding I followed her downstairs to her office where she proceeded to cut off Clouds cast, even if she did freak out and hit the saw almost causing it to break. Eventually we got it all off and then I took her to my privet bathroom upstairs in the Alphas suite.

"Ok little fur ball. Time for a bath. Let's get you all cleaned up and see how much prettier you are with out all this gunk on you k." I said setting her down on the counter in the bathroom.

Heading over to the bathtub, I turned on the warm water and got it just to the right temperature before stripping off my shirt. What, you expect me to give her a bath with a wet shirt. Gross. Anyway, I put the plug in before going to the closet that help all the towels and grabbed a white fluffy towel for after Clouds done. Turning around I gently lifted her up and into my arms before stepping into the tub and slowly sitting down.

She freaked at first, probably not use to getting baths, before slowly relaxing in my arms.

"Good girl Cloud. That's not so bad is it. Now just let me get you all wet before adding the soap ok." I said before cringing as I realizing just how dirty that sounded. Good thing she's a pup. She won't understand why I'm cringing right now.

Shaking my head, I grabbed the cup that was on the side of the tub and filled it with water before dumping it out on Cloud slowly. Before long she was covered in soap bubbles and I was making funny hats and coats for her making her let out happy, small barks. Aww they sound so cute. Um, I mean, nah screw it. I don't car if people make fun of how I'm acting. If you were with her you would be acting the same way.

"Look how cute you look. You look like a mini Ab Lincoln." I stated before laughing at her confused face. We played around for a few more minutes before I finished washing her off. I pulled the plug and let all of the water drain before slowly standing up and reaching for the towel right as the door opened startling both me and Cloud.

"Shit Rock. Don't scare us like that. But since your hear, can you take Cloud and dry her off while I change my cloths?" I asked him after he a had stopped laughing.

"Ya sure give me the cute fur ball." He said taking her and the towel before walking out and shutting the door behind him. I shook my head chuckling at how exited he was before I stepping out and getting undress. Heading towards the walk in closet, I grabbed a pair of boxers and shorts, putting those on before grabbing my shirt from earlier and stepping out of the bathroom.

Looking around I see Rock trying to play with Cloud but I don't think she gets the concept of playing.

Walking over I scoped her into my arms before plopping down on the bed. I finally got a good look at her now that she wasn't covered in dirt and mud.

What I saw was the most beautiful coloring ever seen on a wolf. I can't believe I didn't notice sooner.

Anyways that's the second chapter for today I'll be posting the next one next Thursday. And yes I totally left u all off at a cliff hanger.

Luv u lots💜

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