Sequel is out!!!

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Just released the first chapter of The Broken Soul, book two of The Broken series. I'll be releasing like three more throughout the day and then posting a chapter hopefully once a weekend. I'll try to get more out if I can but I want to at least get one chapter out a weekend. So here the disc rip toon of the book. And it does focus on primarily the children but I don't know, maybe some secrets are spilled.

Maddison is happy, or so that's what she wants everyone to think. She's really just depressed. Her brothers are over protective and won't allow her to live her own life.

She has a friend that she wants to see again after her brother forbid her from seeing him, saying how 'He's dangerous and unpredictable'. 

To add to all this, a new boy moves to town. He's quite shy and a nerd. He and Maddison hit it off and become friends but once again her brothers get in the way. What happens when he gets kidnapped and Maddison will stop at nothing to get him back, even if it means uncovering truths that should have never had be uncovered. How will she react when she finds the answers she was looking for and the answer to the riddle shes been playing? How will she react when she finds who's responsible?

There ya go. Hope you enjoy books two as much as the first. As always, luv u lots💜

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