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Nobles POV

5 years later

I scoped down and picked up Mason, one of our three children, causing him to squeal and laugh.

"Daddy!" Jason, another one of the triplets, shouted while running away from Zoey.

"Jason hurry up! You can do it! They already caught Mason!" Maddison yelled, out last triplet and our only daughter, from the doorway of the house.

"You won't get away from me!" I shouted laughing as I took off towards Jason with Mason on my shoulder.

"That's no fair! Your both bigger than me!" Jason shouted when we cornered him.

Me and Zoey just laughed before grabbing him and Mason and squishing then between us. We were all laughing.

This felt nice. After the fight with Zoeys old pack, we were finally left alone to peace. After a year me and Zoey had our three beautiful children. Two boys and a girl. We even got married. I still remembered how that happened.


I noticed that Zoey has been a bit distant lately and finally had enough. I cornered and asked what's wrong.

How can you love me. I'm just a Runt. An omega. I'm ugly and not even mate material. She mind linked me, tears filling her eyes but not yet spilling out. This caused my heart to clench.

"I don't care that your a runt. An omega. I love you for who you are and I'm not about to let you go. I just found you and I'm not ready and never will be ready to let you go." I responded, putting my hand on her check and caressing it.

She whimpered and tucked her head underneath mine, hiding the tears that wanted to fall.

"My sweet little pup, please don't cry. Your to beautiful for that. I promise that nothing will ever happen to you as long as I'm alive." I told her and saw that I finally broke through.

She smiled and kissed me. We're her family now, I thought hugging her close.

*flashback end*

Smiling at this I dragged them all inside, grabbing Maddie on the way inside and from there we watched movies and had family time.

I'm just so glad I was able to make all this happen. I'm thankful for meeting Zoey and having my wonderful children. My family.

Sorry this is absolute crap I'm sick but decided I might as well finish the story. Hope u enjoyed I'll be releasing the sequel in the next month or two idk depends if I can get it finished or not. Anyways luv u lots!💜


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