Chapter 5

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Nobles POV

I woke up to my alarm going off announcing I had school. God how I hate it so much. I mean, whoever invented it must have been drunk off their ass or something. But the one good thing about our school is that it's an all werewolf school and you have to be a werewolf to get in. And its not just our pack that goes there. Its my pack, the Bluemoon pack, my friend Aiden's pack, the Redmoon pack, and last but not least our other friend Blacks pack, the Silvermoon pack. We are all in line to become the next alphas of our packs and have been friends with each other for years since our fathers were best friends.

Anyways, I should really get up and get ready or I'll be late and even though I would get away  with it, I won't be setting a good example for my pack. With that in mind I got up out of bed and got dressed before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Once I make it there I look through the pantry to see if there was anything good to eat which there wasn't. I guess its time to go grocery shopping again. Signing I turned out of the kitchen and went back to my room grabbing my backpack and keys before going back downstairs and outside.

"Noble! Wait up!" I heard someone shout from behind me. Turning around I saw it was just Rock.

"Hey Rock need a ride?" I asked.

"Ya that would be a huge help thanks. My car broke down or something and it refuses to start. Do you think you could take a look at it when we get back from school?"

"Again, you should just get a new car but sure no problem. Climb in, I don't want to be late." We both climbed into my jeep and made our way to hell- I mean school.

"I am not getting ride of my baby! She means the world to me. " Rolling my eyes we sat in silence until Rocky decided to speak again. "Man this sucks. I didn't get to finish our chemistry homework last night." He complained making me confused.

"But we don't have chemistry. We took it last year." I looked over at him and saw him smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. "Ew man. I don't need to know what you and your mate where up to last night. Oh, speaking of her, why didn't you just get a ride from her this morning?"

"Oh hell nah dude. She went to bad pissed which meant she didn't sleep well and that's like poking a sleeping bear when she wakes. So at first light I got the hell out of there." He said shaking his back and forth with fear in his eyes. I guess I can understand why though. When Lassie's made you don't want to mess with her or you'll end up with sore balls and a bruised face.

"I feel ya man. I would do the same. Anyway we're here so get the fuck out of my baby and lets get to class before the late bell rings. I have a perfect attendance record and I don't want to end that now." I said while climbing out and heading inside to go to my first period.

Walking into first period I see Aiden and Black sitting in the back talking to a few of our other friends. Deciding to join them, I walk on over and greet everyone.

"Hey guys! Hows it going?" I asked.

"Hey man! Things are great. What about you? You were almost late and I thought you were a goodie too shoes." Aiden said making everyone laugh.

"Ya woke up late, just couldn't find the will to get up this morning. I was up late working a paperwork." I respond.

"Man I feel ya. It feels like the closer we get to being passed down the title of alpha, the more paper work we have. Like come on! We aren't even out of high school yet. Give me a brake. The other day my dad decided to just give me all the paperwork and said that I might as well know what he goes through on a daily basis before he went off to some bar with his friends. I think he only did that so get ride of all the work so he could go out." Black complained.

"Hey look at it this way, Nobles been doing this for quite awhile and he handles all the paperwork without complaining, unlike someone I know." Aiden said smirking.

"I dont see what your smirking about over there because you do the same exact-" Black started but was interrupted by the teacher walking in.

"Ok class shut up and sit-down properly in our desks please so that we can get started with class." The teacher said. Rolling my eyes I turned around and sat right and prayed the day would go fast so I could go home and relax for once.

Once the last bell rang, I booked it for my car and waited for Rock before leaving and heading back to the pack house. Once we arrived I turned my car off and was about to head inside before I realized I promised Rocky that I would fix his car. Signing, I put my bag by the front door before turning around and heading towards the garage that kept all the higher ups cars. Looking around I spotted Rocky's car before heading towards it after grabbing the tool box.

Sighing once again, I started fixing his piece of junk old ass car. I mean this thing is ancient. Why doesn't he just go get a new car, one that won't keep breaking down everyday.

Finally after an hour I finished and hopefully with the way I reworked the system and replaced quite a few pieces, it will work better and not break down every other day.

Decided that I should take it out for tests ride I started it up and pulled out of the garage and started heading towards the old bridge at the edge of town. Thats always been my favorite place to go since its always so quite and hardly anyone knows how to get there.

Pulling up to the bridge I see another car already there and someone pulling something out of the trunk. It looked like a bag of trash and I wondered what he was doing until I saw him throw the bag over the railing and into the river below. Looking back over at the man I see him hurrying into his car before taking off.

I slowly pulled up to where the man was before, getting out and sniffing the air, trying to see if I recognize the scent. I didn't but I did pick up another the was laced in garbage. Frowning I took another sniff and finally put two and two together.

That wasn't trash in that bag, it was another wolf. My eyes widening I ran over to edge and look down at the river to see the bag bobbling up and down, going under the water before coming back up. Luckly it caught on a twig so as long as nothing hits the bag it should stay there.

Then, without thinking, I jumped off the bridge and into the icy water below. God I just wanted to relax when I got home.

Hello my pretties!! I know I took forever and I'm sorry but you should be happy to know I finished the rest of the book and I will try to post a chapter every Thursday. If I forget just remind me and I promise I'll put it up. I'm a very forgetful person.

Anyway let me know what u think and how I should fix and what not. LEAVE COMMENTS!!! I love reading your comments and if u have any questions just ask.

Luv u lots💜

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