Chapter 13

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Nobles POV

It's been almost a week since I told Zoey about her past. And it's been almost a week since we contacted the council. They said they would be sending some wolves over to get the story and proof and that they would be arriving in one week. So today.

All of the pack was cleaning and trying to make everything perfect. In my opinion everything was fine and nothing needed to be fixed. Just dust and vacuum and everything should be ok, but no. All the females had to make a big dead to the house has been scrubbed raw from top to bottom. Not a single spec of dust. All that was left was some last minute things that the females insisted on us males doing. Which included hanging up pictures. Why, I have no clue but whatever. Don't want to fight an angry she-wolf. There the worse.

"Alpha Noble, the wolves the council sent are here. They just pulled up in the front." Rick said pulling me out of my thoughts.

Nodding I followed him outside to the front yard were three black SUV's were pulling up in front. When they were parked, the people inside started getting out and heading over towards us.

"You must me Alpha Noble. I'm Dane, the head council man. Most of my fellow member couldn't make it but four of the ten did. You have me, my brother Sam, Caine, and Francis. The rest of the men are our warriors set to help guard us and the pack while we do business." The biggest of the all said.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Noble and this is my Beta Rocky. If you gentlemen would follow me please, we'll go talk in my office." I said smiling before leading them inside and toward my office.

Once there, we all get seated with me sitting behind my desk with Rocky standing behind me, and the four big men sitting in chairs in front of the desk.

"I called because I think we might have the proof you need to take down the Bloodsky pack. Recently when I was driving around I saw someone dump a bag over the side of a local bridge. Normally it wouldn't concern people but when I was driving past I got the sent of wolf. So I followed my instinct and found that the bag the man threw over was a pup. I ended up saving the pup and after much difficulty finally got it to somewhat trust me. While taking care of this pup, we discovered that this pup is not a pup but an omega." When I said that last sentence, the four men in the group let our terrifying growls while there wolf side flashed beneath there eyes. Of course they were mad when I said this guy through a pup in a river to die, but that pup being an omega just makes out wolves angry and blood to boil.

"How can someone just dump a pup, much less an omega off the side of the bridge! That's just, just-" Caine started but lost himself in his anger.

"Disgusting. Who ever this man is, I hope he suffers a gruesome death." Sam grounded out. They were all fighting there wolves for control and they seem to be losing. I can't have them wolfing out before finishing the story. That would be bad.

"Yes it is but please don't wolf out. I'm not done. There's a lot more to this story." I said while pushing my own anger, and wolf down. After a few minutes they seem to have settled down enough to let me talk. "As I was saying, we discovered the pup was actually and omega. Deciding to do some further research, we found out she was actually 17 years old. We examined her too, or more like our pack doctor did. She found the pups body littered in scars. We don't know exactly what she went through but we do know that she was abused in some way. We think she might have been abused for years, around the age she was born." I stopped to let them digest what u just said and because it looked like they were about to wolf out again. In fact one of them, Francis, had his claws digging into my chair. I can understand their actions though. An omega just called out to our wolves. We get this feeling like we have to protect it. How someone can break this feeling I don't know.

"There's more so please try to calm down. We took some blood samples and found that she is the daughter to the Alpha of the Bloodsky pack. He disowned he entirely, blaming her for the cause of death to his mate, her mom. Her mother died giving birth to her so that's why he blames her. From what I've gathered and the small hints the pup lets me have, he never treated her like a pack member. More like an animal." I finished saying.

"So she's probably been abused her whole life, most likely almost been killed countless times too. This Alpha of the Bloodsky pack better be ready because I'm going to ripe his throat out and stuff it up his ass. To abuse an omega and mistreat it like that. He deserves death. A very painfully long death." Dane spoke, his wolf fighting for control as his hand clenched. His brother and friends weren't doing any better. They were the same way in fact. And I was close to following them.

"Is the pup still here? Can we see her?" Sam asked. I hesitated before answering.

"Yes but after you calm yourselves. I don't mean to be rude but she's deathly afraid of new people. Especially big angry people." I spoke softly as to not anger them further. Luckily it worked for they calmed and pushed their wolves back before looking at me. Nodding to let them now there fine now, I got up and motioned for them to follow me.

Let's just hope my Zoey won't freak.

Sorry guys it's late. A bunch of stuff came up and I don't really have time to post but I'm trying for you guys. And I will be posting into tomorrow too. My goal is to post the last five or six chapter by the end of tomorrow. So be ready because these last few chapter are gunna be crazy.

Luv u lots💜

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